[SOLVED] does using a cracked touch screen damage it even more

Aug 31, 2019
Hi, i use a Surface pro 4,, and there's one large crack that goes diagonal across the screen. The crack has been there for about 8 months, but I've still been using a surface pen on it regularly. but recently i've noticed during the black screen on startup, theres green and pink pixels surrounding the crack (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/511231779131097094/625122568340504597/20190921_191716.jpg)

But the pink and green pixels look normal after that startup screen? There havent been any issues with using the screen so far, but I'm just wondering if I keep using the touch screen, would it be possible for the touch part to not work anymore? Also would it be worth it to get a glass screen protecter for it or not
You should realistically not use a cracked touch screen as yes, it will probably damage it further.
If it's possible, you should get a screen replacement.