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Oct 8, 2006
It seems to be a pointless thread... It makes you wonder whether Microsoft are paying people to go round fora and get a good feeling going about Vista. (Mind you, they probably don't have to pay them!) I doubt it's the case, but you'd be surprised how pernicious viral marketing has become, and it wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility. I think in general it pays to be sceptical of anyone who raves about some piece of kit, whether it is h/w or s/w.
Superfetch a) mostly exists in XP, and b) is just a poor excuse for not enough RAM.

Not meaning to be contrary, but Superfetch is a poor excuse for having too much RAM. Superfetch makes the OS appear to be faster by caching your most used apps in RAM so if you launch them, they launch almost instantly. It doesn't work all that well with too little RAM as there is little room left to cache these other apps that your not using. Superfetch is a way to hide OS bloat if you have enough RAM. No one wants to see their uber system chug away loading Word. It's a great idea in theory, as long as your computer habits aren't erratic. So IE or FireFox or whatever browser you use is going to launch very quickly because that's one app that most use consistently. It's not a great feature to me, it's more of a flesh colored bandaid to hide the wound. A great feature would be to have a smaller memory footprint to begin with. Hog less of my resources.

As for the rest of my opinion about Vista, I've said it before, I'll wait until the hardware and software are available to take advantage of Vista. Also, I don't want to have to run out and buy a new "insert hardware type here" because there is no and never will be a driver for it. For many of us who are gamers, DX10 is the "feature" we're looking for. Had M$ back ported it to WinXP, most of the gamers here would look the other way for as long as we could. It happened with Win98, WinXP was almost 2 years old before it was considered as good as or better for gaming. So M$ decided that they would give it the one "feature" that gamers couldn't live without, a visual improvement over what they have now. Great marketing if you ask me, and it's not new for them. Win95 vs. Win98 and official USB and AGP support was the same thing. Chipset/motherboard makers were required to make USB and AGP work under Windows 95, but Windows 98 was built from the ground up to support it out of the box. Unfortunately I think DX10 backward compatibilty will be too much for the graphics chip makers to do. It's one thing to backport hardware compatibility, it's quite another to backport an entire API that was never written for the OS.

Vista looks "nice", but for me to buy it on this feature only (and presently that's the only one I can see for myself right now) seems a little immature. Like the old saying "there are girls you **** and girls you marry", well there are OS'es you look at and OS'es you use. Right now Vista is the former, cause it doesn't present enough new functionality to downplay it's downsides. Kinda like a women you might say is "high maintenance" looks hot, but is a bitch once you get to know her. The geek in me wants to run out and get a copy, but it's more of a morbid curiosity right now.


Jun 3, 2006
I'm with Jamiepotter on this one. I see no reason to move to Vista other than the fact that XP will stop being supported at some point in the future. A pretty desktop and even more annoying pop up messages are not features.

Someone mentioned superfetch. A wizzbang technology that allows Vista to run a bit faster than it would otherwise but still slower than xp on the same machine and slower than just adding more RAM.
Well, I feel very VERY special indeed, after the amount of virtual slapping i've read on Vista I feel honoured to get the only working version. Ahh sarcasm, no i'm sure i'm not the only one who has good things to say about Vista. I think it's great, I use Vista Home Prem myself and apart from the UAC which can be turned off in 'msconfig/tools' it runs perfectly. It's about time Microsoft upgraded, XP is Old and dull in my opinion. I'm sure i'll create a bit of virtual flapping from the XP club but i'm glad it's dying but thats just my view.

What do you think?

Usually this kind of post comes just before the whining for help starts ! ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Jun 25, 2006
im sure VISTA is a great operating system...

wait... no that isn't what im trying to say

I KNOW!! Vista WILL be a great operating system... when the time is right. Who the hell goes out and buys an operating system the day it is released? That is nonsense.

Let the tools that have already bought it complain their guts out... until Microsoft smooths out everything which they didn't catch in the beta. Wait at least for the first or perhaps second Service Pack... and then get on the band wagon.

"Well Mr. Smith we are going to be giving your wife a new type of drug, just released today"


"Mr. Smith we are going to pump her with the drugs that have been around for some time... we know they work and she should be up and nagging in no time"

With service packs and updates... Operating systems are like wine... they only get better with time. It will be good... it will.

Let it mature.

How did Jeff Goldblum put it in Jurassic Park 2.

"Yeah thats how it starts, first comes the OOHs and AAHs, then the running and screaming and hollering and being eaten alive."

Still ROFLMAO :lol: :lol:


Feb 3, 2006
Tell me why a new value priced laptop preloaded with Vista fresh from the store, boots slower, runs slower , does everything slower than XP, not to mention old peripherals that don't work right with it? Why should I have to go buy more ram just to get the thing to work the same as XP? Dam it, the ram should have been given away to make up for the Vista deficiencies. What go out and buy Vista and buy more hardware, replace good working hardware? Who the heck thinks that is a good idea, but the Microsoft and its hardware partners? All they want you to do is to give away money to them. Does the marginal theoretical benefits of Vista, yet to be proven justify such expenditures? The original poster must be some M$ market shrill. The stupid thing is still half-baked, is M$ gonna help redo all the hardware drivers? Heck they can't even get ATI and nVidia to get good drivers yet, and M$ doesn't care if your games run like crap. So return the favor, who gives a $hit about Vista?


Jun 2, 2004
I waited a a few months after it came out for XP. XP was a great update from 98. I don't include windows ME, never reccommeded it, never istalled it Mistake Edition says it all. Vista is not a windows millinium it just needs some time to work out bugs. As for me I think I will wait for a service pack. I have used Vista and I do like the new eye candy. Haven't gotten into the 3D desktop stuff yet because most of the PC's I have used are using basic.

While I have a decent computer capeable of running Home Premium with a memory upgrade, it won't run like it does on a Dual Core processor. Not to mention that I won't be able to use the memory in a new computer. Also I think I read somewhere that you cant transfer Vista to a new computer even if you erase it from the old one, I am not sure of this though.


Feb 21, 2006
i dont think there is anything wrong with vista besides the minor bugs here or there, truly it isn't as buggy as people say it is. Im running vista ultimate 32bit and i have to say its been a pretty smooth experience. Overall i have to say i havent had any programs crash on my or do the stupid program is not responding that happened all the time in xp. I haven't done too much gaming but i have played oblivion and it works just fine on here. The only real problem ive had with vista is microsofts stupid decision to get rid of directsound 3d. I have a creative xfi xtreme music and it is useless to me now because it doesnt work with vista, i had to go back to onboard sound :(, although creative is finding ways around this. But if you have a computer that is more modern (IE within the last year and a half) you should think about the transition to vista because it is worth it, but you need to have a computer that can handle. I have 2 gigs of ram and it is a pretty smooth experience, but im thinking about upgrading to 4 just to get that max boost out of my system. Vista at idle uses around 512mb ram, so when im running apps and stuff i see that almost half of my ram is used up, which is dissapointing considering that most people dont have 2gb ram yet.

might as well post my system for reference

AMD Athlon64 X2 4800+ @ 2.85ghz
2gb Corsair XMS DDR 400
Asus A8n5x
GeForce 7900GTO :)
Western Digital 250 GB SATA


Apr 9, 2006

still think windows vista is that great?

it is huge and bloated, instead.

and for the "wow": this is what windows and linux can do: 1 video for windows, 2 for linux.

( I know you're not italian, but just watch the videos.)

however, you WILL be forced to switch to Vista.
"no one forces you"... bullshit...

when everyone is using something that requires a particular version for a file to be played/seen/anything, that is forcing. you can't use anything else, 'cause there is nothing that can use that file-format/"standard". (actually, it's strange to call "standard" something that continues to change and totally breakes compatibility with previus version... like powerpoint between xp/2003... i can't guess what will happen now with office 2007...)


Oct 1, 2004
I'd just like to comment about the "new" features in Vista. I recently purchased a new notebook with home premium preinstalled, and my experiences have been lukewarm.

The OS "feels" nice, it looks nice, and it performs slowly, relative to XP. This is on a system with a go 7900gs and a c2d 2.0 gig cpu and 2 gigs of ram. Gaming is horrible, but this may be due to drivers - there are constant stutters in every game at almost every setting (I have to turn settings so low that I literally may as well have integrated graphics, if I want to get rid of the periodic, crippling stuttering in gaming).

As for new features, I clicked on the link another poster supplied, leading to a Microsoft page. That page does not support your argument that Vista has more "features," sir, please reread it. It cites security and usability nd such as features - when in fact it is less usable (fact: fewer pieces of software that function, NONE that work in Vista but not elsewhere; no dx 10 games). Security may have been improved - but I want a real analysis of security to make a judgement, not a bit of text on the microsoft webpage .... as if they could be trusted to honestly review their own product! HAH!
IE is more like firefox now. Um, excellent, I suppose. This is good. Is it a "new" feature? Is it more secure? Sorry, but about security, Microsoft products will remain second-rate as far as security goes. As long as they are the "top dog" and most people use their products, they will be targetted by malware writers. As long as malware writers target microsoft, you may as well just use linux for security, and save yourself some wasted time.

There are good points though - while the changes are unnecessary and a burden to learn, I think the manner in which settings are changed in vista is a step toward better intuitiity. The security changes "may" end up being better, but again we'll have to wait and see.

What other features does that microsoft page claim? It's better for small businesses .... how? Eh? I don't get it. I have done consulting for many small businesses and worked as a network admin for one large university, and I can't see a single way in which this is an improvement for anyone except gamers - and that improvement is yet to come, really, given the dearth of dx 10 games.

Vista is, however, much better today than XP was at a similar point in it's release. My copy of vista has not crashed ONCE. The gaming issues are probably NVIDIAs fault. So all in all I'd say, decent job Microsoft, even though I know you really just released this for money, since all of the "features" (DX 10) could have been put in XP if you really wanted to do right by your customers.


Feb 22, 2007
So I bought an OEM copy of MCE which comes with a vista home premium upgrade. Have to (get the) upgrade before end of March because of the terms and conditions.

Costs about £10.20 for "admin costs and DVD" (about $19-$20?)
Problem is, after you have paid they send an e-mail saying I have to send the receipt from my system builder.
The system builder was me. So what gives??? Send a copy of the receipts from the 3 different stores I bought components from?


Aug 18, 2006
No. Under your submission to the upgrade site, you put in "0" for both model and serial#. The only receipt you submit is for the purchase of the qualifying product, in this case, MCE.


Dec 19, 2006
first of all if you game why wouldnt you have vista?? ever hear of direct x 10?>?? yah xp wont support it. so stop being cheap and ready your system for directx10 the next genereation of gaming. if you want to be cheap you ll be left behind with graphics not as enjoyable :))


Nov 7, 2006
I really like vista too, and I made the jump to vista 64 and glad I did. I saw all the negative vista posts on these forums and espcially the anti 64 posts and was worried.

I built a new system and wanted some growing room with ram. The jump to vista 64 is the way to go.


Jun 25, 2006
first of all if you game why wouldnt you have vista?? ever hear of direct x 10?>?? yah xp wont support it. so stop being cheap and ready your system for directx10 the next genereation of gaming. if you want to be cheap you ll be left behind with graphics not as enjoyable :))

yeah while i am at it, I had better ready my home with a landing pad for a future of flying cars


Dec 8, 2005
first of all if you game why wouldnt you have vista?? ever hear of direct x 10?>?? yah xp wont support it. so stop being cheap and ready your system for directx10 the next genereation of gaming. if you want to be cheap you ll be left behind with graphics not as enjoyable :))

It's slower, buggier, more expensive, and (right now) utterly pointless. Ever heard of "there are no DX10 games yet?". As of today, every game is DX9 or less, for which XP kicks Vista's ass. Refusing to waste money is not being cheap, it's called "prudent".


"Well Mr. Smith we are going to be giving your wife a new type of drug, just released today"


"Mr. Smith we are going to pump her with the drugs that have been around for some time... we know they work and she should be up and nagging in no time"

What, no third option? I'd rather see:

"Well Mr Smith, we're going to give you wife a new experimental drug that has been found to help 30% of the mice to which it was given. Its never been tested before on humans, and please don't ask what happened to the other 70% of mice."

Don't ask to much about what I think of my ex, either.

As for Vista, I have only one big objection at the moment, DRM. If that was excluded, I think I could live with the rest of the problems. I figure that my present machine won't get along with it, so in a few months I'll build an entirely new machine with parts that have VISTA approved labels and then I will be able to run DX10 games. Since I'm waiting for DX10 games to appear, this may be quite a few months. If it wasn't for the need to get Vista in order to use DX10, I wouldn't bother with it at all. I've already got 64 bit computing with XP64 Pro.


Feb 1, 2006
I am sure Vista will be good one day, but to say we absolutely must have it now? I think that's stretching it a bit.

I didn't upgrade to XP till after SP2, it makes no sense to beta test something that costs so much. Plus the longer you wait it usually comes down in price. Had it had the file system change included like was originally planned then it might have been worth it. 2009 is the next slated release, that sounds like a better time to upgrade IMHO.

But once DX10 games hit the shelves then the question might become more murky? :wink:


Aug 18, 2006
As for Vista, I have only one big objection at the moment, DRM. If that was excluded, I think I could live with the rest of the problems.
Until Sony buys AMD, and they start putting DRM in the video card chipset, and motherboard bios. :wink: