Question Double NAT - How to access server without port forwarding.


Jun 30, 2014
I've been reading about this for days, but i just can't figure out exactly what i need to do. If i wanted to access my plex server, but im unable to port forward (no access to main router) how would i go about doing this? I've read about reverse tunneling, also tried to make an OpenVPN server, but as far as i've gathered that requires port forwarding aswell. I suppose my main problem is i don't actually know what the term for what i want is, so googling is hard.

Main building router is inaccessible, i have my own router hooked up to it, that one i have full control of (my router is also running DD-WRT). I have my server and plex running on it locally. How do i make it accessible outside without port forwarding?

Thanks for the help!
Im hosting my own servers. Minecraft, plex, etc. Normally i'd need to port forward to access them outside the network, i wanna know if there is an alternative since port forwarding isn't an option for me atm.
The only way I can think to do this is that you need to have a vpn tunnel initiated by your system to a system that has a public ip address (server in the cloud at a host, etc). Then because this 'public' system can see your system, it could route the packets to your system.
The only way I can think to do this is that you need to have a vpn tunnel initiated by your system to a system that has a public ip address (server in the cloud at a host, etc). Then because this 'public' system can see your system, it could route the packets to your system.
I see, so i've been on the right track already. It seems i'll need a service like ngrok or