Driver installs and updates (New custom PC + Win 10)

Mar 6, 2015
I can't seem to find anything about this on the internet. When you go to the driver's/hardware maker's websites, it says UPDATE DRIVER, not install. I just built a new PC, so now I have the generic drivers. Do I just update from there? Is it the same thing as installing? Do I need all the updates or just the newest one? Which ones do I need (i.e. audio, graphics, chipset, ect.)?
the motherboard vendor will have the motherboard drivers you need. if it an intel mb you need the intel chipset drivers...the mei drivers. the ethernet and soundcard drivers if windows does not install them. with windows drivers if windows finds newer drivers then the mb vendor drivers it install the newest drivers for you. the drivers from the mb vendor and other sites will be installed from a setup.exe file. dont use 3 party drivers sites a lot of them are spyware and virus links.
Mar 6, 2015
So I've installed about everything. I'm using xfinity ethernet, which is usually very fast, but it seems slow. Do I need CfosSpeed? Its on my MB reccomended driver page. Is it bad? My PC just seems slower now than it should be, including file downloads, transfers, searching local files, ect. And a lot of utility software isn't always working . I HAVE A 4790K! AN SSD! ETHERNET! Why is it not super fast???