Saw this over at aces:
<A HREF="" target="_new"> clicky 1</A>
<A HREF="{3E807307-581D-4AD3-8547-C39988145D1B}&newsid=815222301&symb=AMD&sid=373" target="_new"> clicky 2 </A>
Dual core opterons available by mid 2005, desktop chips (presumably Athlon FX) second half of next year.
Opterons pin compatible with current boards (just a bios update), and within the same thermal enveloppe, including 30, 55 and 89W versions !! Wow.
Also, if opterons are pin compatible, I assume dual core FX chips should also work on S939
= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my wife. =
<A HREF="" target="_new"> clicky 1</A>
<A HREF="{3E807307-581D-4AD3-8547-C39988145D1B}&newsid=815222301&symb=AMD&sid=373" target="_new"> clicky 2 </A>
Dual core opterons available by mid 2005, desktop chips (presumably Athlon FX) second half of next year.
Opterons pin compatible with current boards (just a bios update), and within the same thermal enveloppe, including 30, 55 and 89W versions !! Wow.
Also, if opterons are pin compatible, I assume dual core FX chips should also work on S939
= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my wife. =