Dual Monitor White Screen Freeze

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Nov 7, 2009
This seems to be a bit different than some other threads, here goes:

Windows 7 (64) Home. 16Gig RAM. AMD 6 Core. I run two monitors, the main is a Hanns G 27" and the other is a I-INC 19" (1024x768). Also I have a NVidia GeForce 9500 GT (1-Gig) running both monitors.
When the machine is up and running the second monitor will at random, go all white, which is a precursor to the crash as I know that the system is about 3-4 seconds from freezing; the main monitor turns dark gray and that's it - the system seems completely locked at that point. I cannot access the task manager, or use the CTRL+Alt+Del keys. Nothing left but a hard-boot.

I have had this happen with Firefox browser open and closed, with Outlook open and closed, as well as other programs. I cannot find anything in particular to cause this malfunction. I am thinking this could be the graphics card. Any ideas on how to check?
Although I have 4 case fans giving me positive case pressure and directed cooling, I did just check the Graphics Card fan and it was not working. I gave it a tap and it spun up. Not sure of the temp, but it was very warm. Intermittent fan failure could cause an overheating situation maybe?

So far I have seen temps as high as 215f and as low as 136f. Have still crashed several times. I wish the software would keep a log after the crash so I could see what the numbers were - I do not see that option though.

Suggestions are always welcome 🙂 I do a little gaming, but not much (I think the most intensive game I have is Assassin's Creed) I do mostly web design and music production. So, I don't think I need to spend more than $100 on a card.

That looks like a good choice, I will look in to that. Thanks so much!
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