Dual OS pc

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Nov 25, 2016
I just installed 2 windows on my pc 7 and 10 but when i restart pc and what to change windows i got this black-white ugly menu to choose between systems (http://prntscr.com/f3crz5).What i need to do so i get this (http://prntscr.com/f3csia) menu for choosing system that look way better then black-white?I installed first 7 than 10 and both work fine but only problem is in look of menu for choosing windows.Thanks
Please remember it's not ugly. It's powerful. Even Linux terminals, MS-DOS and command prompt uses (Ugly looking) black-white screens.
Windows 7 and earlier version Windows uses black-white boot screens whereas Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 uses modern (Blue-White) theme to display boot screen.

The problem is that you installed Windows 7 first followed by Windows 10. So, 'Windows Boot Manager' uses Windows 7's GUI while booting.

You can try changing it by following the below steps.

1. Open control panel and click 'System and Security'. (View by: Category)

2. Click 'System' icon and on the left pane of the Window, click 'Advanced System Settings'. (You need administrator privileges)

3. In the 'Advanced' tab, click 'Settings' under 'Startup...
Please remember it's not ugly. It's powerful. Even Linux terminals, MS-DOS and command prompt uses (Ugly looking) black-white screens.
Windows 7 and earlier version Windows uses black-white boot screens whereas Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 uses modern (Blue-White) theme to display boot screen.

The problem is that you installed Windows 7 first followed by Windows 10. So, 'Windows Boot Manager' uses Windows 7's GUI while booting.

You can try changing it by following the below steps.

1. Open control panel and click 'System and Security'. (View by: Category)

2. Click 'System' icon and on the left pane of the Window, click 'Advanced System Settings'. (You need administrator privileges)

3. In the 'Advanced' tab, click 'Settings' under 'Startup and Recovery'.

4. Now choose the default operating system to Windows 10 and specify the time to display the list of operating systems.

5. Click 'OK' to save it and restart your computer.

Now, enjoy the new boot screen. But remember, it's powerful and not ugly.
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