eq2 summoner comparison



Archived from groups: alt.games.everquest (More info?)

I have a summoner (16) who's gear is all yellow, has an adept 1 pet, and yet
seems to be far less effective than a simlarly equipped fighter type
(especially against groups) and to a lesser extent, my shaman. My spells are
at least app 4. What gives? Is this normal? I like my summoner but he seems
Archived from groups: alt.games.everquest (More info?)

>> I have a summoner (16) who's gear is all yellow, has an adept 1 pet,

>> and yet seems to be far less effective than a similarly equipped
>> fighter type (especially against groups) and to a lesser extent, my
>> shaman. My spells are at least app 4. What gives? Is this normal? I

>> like my summoner but he seems underpowered.

>I find my summoner to be more effective against groups, root works
>I have all app 1 spells, and am level 11 right now, and I can take on
>groups of heroic mobs that I could not do with either my brawler or my

>shaman at the level. For taking on single mobs, whether heroic or
not, I
>find the summoner not as effective.

>> I have a summoner (16) who's gear is all yellow, has an adept 1 pet,

>> and yet seems to be far less effective than a similarly equipped
>> fighter type (especially against groups) and to a lesser extent, my
>> shaman. My spells are at least app 4. What gives? Is this normal? I

>> like my summoner but he seems underpowered.

>I find my summoner to be more effective against groups, root works
>I have all app 1 spells, and am level 11 right now, and I can take on
>groups of heroic mobs that I could not do with either my brawler or my

>shaman at the level. For taking on single mobs, whether heroic or
not, I
>find the summoner not as effective.

Depends what you mean by "effective". If you look at the damage done it
will be less. The pet's hardly a killing machine but that's not the
real point of it. The main point is to keep the mobs of you. In my
experience it makes it a lot less risky taking on marginal mobs.
Assuming you run at the right time it's only the pet that should get it
and not you.

Not to mention there are "other" uses for it. I.e. spot an easy green
mob and a harvest node? Set the pet on the mob while you harvest! Need
to kill some greys? Get the pet to do it while you get another one,
hence halving the time the quest will take. Spot a red in you way? Set
the pet on it while you run safely past.

Much more "effective" in my books.
Archived from groups: alt.games.everquest (More info?)

"Shadow" <kitchen@fis.org.nz> wrote in

> I have a summoner (16) who's gear is all yellow, has an adept 1 pet,
> and yet seems to be far less effective than a simlarly equipped
> fighter type (especially against groups) and to a lesser extent, my
> shaman. My spells are at least app 4. What gives? Is this normal? I
> like my summoner but he seems underpowered.

I find my summoner to be more effective against groups, root works wonders.
I have all app 1 spells, and am level 11 right now, and I can take on
groups of heroic mobs that I could not do with either my brawler or my
shaman at the level. For taking on single mobs, whether heroic or not, I
find the summoner not as effective.

On Erollisi Marr in <Sanctuary of Marr>
Ancient Graeme Faelban, Barbarian Soothsayer of 70 seasons

On Steamfont in <Insanity Plea>
Graeme, 27 Dwarven Mystic, 23 Sage
Aviv, 15 Gnome Brawler, 28 Provisioner
Archived from groups: alt.games.everquest (More info?)

Shadow scribbled:
> I have a summoner (16) who's gear is all yellow, has an adept 1 pet,
> and yet seems to be far less effective than a simlarly equipped
> fighter type (especially against groups) and to a lesser extent, my
> shaman. My spells are at least app 4. What gives? Is this normal? I
> like my summoner but he seems underpowered.

It's just you. I watched a 28 conjurer (using the Hero pet
and mostly AppII spells) solo yellow (level 29) mobs and
high blue (level 27) group++ mobs last night for about a
half hour. (I had dinged already with my Fury so I
disbanded and let my partner XP to 'catch up' while I
did overwatch.)

Mostly they have to be careful about what type of
encounters they take on -- multiple mobs are tougher
because they tend to take on the mage instead of all
beating on the pet, etc. But if we take on a group of
two she always gets to help kill mine after the first
Archived from groups: alt.games.everquest (More info?)

"BombayMix" <bombaymix@altavista.co.uk> wrote in
>>I find my summoner to be more effective against groups, root works
>>wonders. I have all app 1 spells, and am level 11 right now, and I can
>>take on groups of heroic mobs that I could not do with either my
>>brawler or my
>>shaman at the level. For taking on single mobs, whether heroic or not,
>>I find the summoner not as effective.
> Depends what you mean by "effective". If you look at the damage done it
> will be less. The pet's hardly a killing machine but that's not the
> real point of it. The main point is to keep the mobs of you. In my
> experience it makes it a lot less risky taking on marginal mobs.
> Assuming you run at the right time it's only the pet that should get it
> and not you.
> Not to mention there are "other" uses for it. I.e. spot an easy green
> mob and a harvest node? Set the pet on the mob while you harvest! Need
> to kill some greys? Get the pet to do it while you get another one,
> hence halving the time the quest will take. Spot a red in you way? Set
> the pet on it while you run safely past.
> Much more "effective" in my books.

Well, by taking on, I mean actually killing the mobs, not giving myself
extra time to run away. It's very rare that I cannot just run away from
an encounter that looks iffy, without a pet to keep the mob busy. It's
pretty rare that I cannot harvest a node with a hostile mob near it, the
distance you can harvest at allows you to harvest without aggroing, and
you can see which direction the mob will move, as it almost always moves
the direction it is facing while standing still.

On Erollisi Marr in <Sanctuary of Marr>
Ancient Graeme Faelban, Barbarian Soothsayer of 70 seasons

On Steamfont in <Insanity Plea>
Graeme, 27 Dwarven Mystic, 23 Sage
Aviv, 15 Gnome Brawler, 28 Provisioner