Question Error Coe 0x8007025D while installing windows 10

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Feb 25, 2020
System Specs:
Intel Core I7 2600
8gb Adata XPG 1866Mhz
Intel B75 Motherboard From an Acer Predator G3620
Crucial Bx500 960gb SSD

I recently upgraded my main gaming pc from having my OS on a 1tb hard drive to a brand new Crucial Bx500 960gb SSD. My PC ran just fine with a standard spinning disk hard drive for years, no problems with windows. I downloaded an ISO to a usb stick from Microsofts website and go through the whole setup for the flash drive. When i go to install windows on my PC everything works fine, my pc identifies my flash disk as a bootable media and begins the install process just fine. When I get to the portion of setup where it starts getting windows files ready for installation, the setup stop with error code 0x8007025D , and the same percent every time. So I figured that maybe my download just got a little corrupted. So I went though the whole setup again to create an iso to the flash drive again. I begin the Window install again and it fails in the same section, just at a different percentage. So I figure I must just have a bad flash drive, so I grab another flash drive and I keep on having the same issue where windows installation fails at the same section and a different percentage than before. (I should mention that if I restart it, the flash drive will always crash at the same percent, A diffenent flash drive will crash at a different percent than the last, but the same percent every time). So I figure I should just try it with a brand new flash drive. I run the setup again, create a bootable media, and then windows fails installation again. I search around the internet for a while only to see that the only way to fix this error is to re-create a bootable media because mine must be corrupted. So now I used Rufus to create a windows 10 bootable media, and that one fails as well. At this point I am pretty sure that I dont have a corrupted media so I take one of my flash drives with the Bootable media that I created using the windows provided media creation tool, and go to my project computer, and install windows 10 on a hard drive with a media that is "corrupted" and windows is installed with no problems. After about two days of trying to re-create media's for windows 10 and having them all fail, I get one to make it through the windows setup, and install windows. Shorty after I finish the setup and start using the PC, it now crashes at random times with different crash errors every time. I've tried using a new bootable media to repair the windows that is currently running on my computer but it doesn't fix my problem, more random crashes with diffent error codes every time. I've tried using comand prompt and power shell to run "scannow" to find and possibly repair the corrupted files, but it tells me that it is unable to repair the files, and the only way i've found to fix my issue is to re-install my windows again, which will fail, or not fix my problem. I am entirely out of Ideas that will fix/solve my probelm, and I cannot find anyone online with the same problem i've been running into. If anyone has any solutions or has had anything similar to what I am experiencing. Please Help Me!!
(Ps. I have tried creating a smaller partition on the hard drive, and I do have an Adata 120gb SSD I have tried and the same issue occurs)
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I did a Google search for that error code and found this article:
The last post in this thread looks particularly interesting - it talks about a BIOS setting. An earlier post in that thread mentioned that they were able to install in a 120 GB partition when they got that error in anything larger. The largest SSD partition I've installed Windows 10 in personally is 146 GB (240 GB less a smaller partition I'd carved out) so I haven't personally encountered this particular error. HTH
I did a Google search for that error code and found this article:
The last post in this thread looks particularly interesting - it talks about a BIOS setting. An earlier post in that thread mentioned that they were able to install in a 120 GB partition when they got that error in anything larger. The largest SSD partition I've installed Windows 10 in personally is 146 GB (240 GB less a smaller partition I'd carved out) so I haven't personally encountered this particular error. HTH

I Mistakely said my Adata SSD was a 240 gb, it is actually a 120 gb drive, it has the same error
run metest
if u get more than 0 errors, then your ram isnt working properly (bad overclock, bad stick)
if u get 0 errors, then try using different USB port (usb2/usb3)

I ran memtest86 and my ram tests fine, no errors. My CPU on the other hand was showing tons of errors on memtest. Is my CPU at fault? and why would my cpu and everything work fine when I use a hardrive, but refuse to install windows on an SSD
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