Question Ethernet port possibly not working


Jan 11, 2016
I moved into my uni house recently and fear that in the process of transporting my computer up here have broken the Ethernet port. At the start of the year the connection to the internet through my Ethernet cable would occasionally cut out for about 30 seconds every once in a while. Recently however the issue has gotten impossible to avoid with the connection being down more than it is up, the connection cuts out every minute or so for about 30 seconds or longer. I initially thought it was the Ethernet cable or the service providers but I tested my Ethernet cable connection on a friends laptop and it didn't drop at all so I presume this is a hardware issue. when disconnecting the computer doesn't acknowledge the connection to the modem stating that there is absolutely no connection at all to anything.
I have an Asus b150pro motherboard and looking into the event viewer there is a persisting problem appearing 'e1dexpress' is the source.

Any help is appreciated I would like to get this fixed before I have to go and buy a network adapter or something of that nature.
Many thanks,
When you tested the Ethernet connection on a friends laptop you used your Ethernet cable and the wall jack in your uni house room?

What about trying your pc in another nearby known working wall jack location. Idea being to determine if the problem stays in your room or follows your computer.

Are you able to provide more details about the "e1dexpress" error you noted? You should be able to right click the error for more information.

Reliability History may also provide more information regarding some problem or issue.

Overall, I would not expect that anything was truly broken. However, something may have jiggled loose inside your computer.

Open the case and check that all cables, cards, RAM, and jumpers are fully and firmly in place.

If necessary, clean the case of all dust, debris, paper scrapes, dead bugs, crumbs, etc..

Current objective is to eliminate as many potential problem sources as possible. Narrow it all down.
I've cleaned my PC of dust and checked the Ethernet port but nothing seems to have happend. I have realised however that my internet does not disconnect while I am downloading games on Steam, so I guess it's an issue with the drivers or something but I have downloaded the latest drivers from the Asus website. I checked the power saving mode on the Ethernet connection and its turned off so I don't know what else it could be.

Messing around with the steam downloads if its under 5MB/s it will start to cut out again but if it is above that it remains solidly connected to the internet.
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