Question Everything On SSD, nothing on HDD


Sep 12, 2017
So my specs are:
Ryzen 3 1200
MSI B350M Motherboard
GTX 1050TI
1 TB WD Hardrive
250GB Samsung SSD

Ok so I started this build only with the hardrive so everything was on there. When I got my SSD the only way I could move my windows and games onto there was if I moved all the info on HDD to my SSD so I did it, but recently it has come to the point where I only have 6GB left on my SSD. Is there a way I can move everything except windows and games back on to the HDD.
Currently on SSD 6.97/232 GB are free and on the HDD 927/930 GB are free. Basically I just want to have my games and windows on SSD and everything else on HDD but I don't know how. Thanks
Um now it says location not available and I cannot open my desktop folder and it like made my hdd my desktop so all the documents that were on it before are on my desktop

The part where it states "pick the location you want to move it to" means you pick the new location, so the second disk drive. If you picked the Desktop to go to some location of the drive, then yes whatever files where there would show up on your desktop. You may want to get someone that knows how the files and folders work on computers and have them check what changes where done to help you sort out what to move to what location.

I just create new folders on the secondary drive and name them after what is going there so would be D:\Desktop D:\Documents D:\Downloads, then the current contents of the old location from C:\Users\Account\..... would get moved to the D disk (assuming that is the drive letter for your second drive).
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