EVGA GeForce GTX 660 Ti FTW Signature 2 FPS HELP

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Jan 4, 2013
Hello, I recently bought one of these cards. I play BF3 on ultra at 70+ fps which is fine but when I come to play COD4 I can't get 250fps stable where as my old GTS 450 could?

Please help me out 🙁

My specs:

i5 2500k @ 3.3
Have you ever played cod4? 250fps is a sweet spot for moving around the map faster + 250 is 10x more beneficial than 60 :/
It doesn't really matter. If you have a 60Hz monitor, your monitor can't display anything past 60fps anyway, you'll just introduce more tearing. Your point is moot :??:
It does matter, I couldn't care what Hz my monitor is that fact is that my new card can't get 250fps (Play cod4 and ask anyone what fps is needed to play well)

Well I play a lot of bf3, dayz, borderlands. And I can play at the highest settings with about 100+ on each. I prefer to play on lower settings due to it actually looking better imo.

What I mean by a fresh install is theres actually a option when you install the drivers, that says "preform clean install" it will remove any previous drivers you had before and practically install everything all over again like it was never there. If you just updated the drivers and never uninstalled them, that could be a problem. But if I'm not mistaken I believe COD4 is a lot more CPU intensive than GPU, so I dont think the GPU could be at fault.
Right, Some jumps on cod4 require a higher FPS so that you can jump further and move around the map faster. So I do need to have that higher FPS for advantage whilst playing, Yes I may not be able to see the change in quality but the FPS advantage on COD4 is crucial to how a player plays at LAN events etc... I got more fps with my 450 and than the 660 Ti
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