Exact same pink hue on the right side problem on the replacement monitor too

Jan 2, 2019
S230HL acer monitor. using VGA (lcd with led technology or sumthin)

I bought it, i came home, plugged in power adapter, there was this pink hue and waves going down in the right side https://streamable.com/oh3u7 (its almost unnoticiable in white, very noticable in black and dark colors)

https://ibb.co/1XKZ6yt - picture of problem

Few days later, i contacted seller, checked it very carefully. got it replaced ,changed its power adapter. 3 days it worked perfectly normal. but yesterday exactly same problem with pink hue came back randomly when i was watching a video. (i though i was having a bad dream about the old monitor with problems)

If i look closely the pixels seem to be displaying correct color but the pixels are surrounded by pink lines, and the affected area i can see waves going down.https://gyazo.com/de005239105d7e92034dd831bb93c61d

The rest of the screen got a bit blurry when something is moving on screen.

I've made a post like this before but this is the most detailed one, so i hope someone can give me an idea on what the problem could be caused by. I wanna try everything that could fix the issue

What i've tried:

Tried a different VGA cable

Unplugging VGA cable, then holding power button to reset monitor.

Applying some pressure

Connecting power thingy to the wall

Thinkering a lot with the video cable

So VGA can't be a problem because the problem is still there without connection, or is it possible for bad/old vga cable to permanantly cause monitor defect?

even though its not cable problem could getting DVI to VGA cable magically fix it?

im feel really anxious and hopeless over the last few days idk what to do exactly
To me it looks like a bad display.

You might want to see if the monitor does the same thing at your friends place. You will need to have a prerequisite of having the same GPU(if not, the same drivers) in order to rule out that the card you're working with is faulty or that the monitor itself is of bad build quality.

Mind sharing the link to where you purchased the monitor from?

yeah its likely a monitor hardware problem. But why would exact same problem happen 3 days after i get it replaced, is it repairable in like 3rd party tv repair stores? if i buy a another one i fear it will just get the same problem again. can VGA cables cause Permanant monitor defects by itself? i changed the power adapter when i got my monitor replaced
Just curious why you purchased a monitor that came out 9 years ago. They've come out with some pretty impressive displays since that model came out. I can't recommend the switch to HDMI enthusiastically enough.

price + full hd and 23 inches is enough for me
This is the 2nd thread I've had to merge to the original. Please stick to one thread to avoid making things seem like an Alice in Wonderland spiral and help in getting consistent responses. Consider this as the last cautionary measure.

Per your question, bad manufacturing does tend to take place. Some of the bad units are sent to locations around the world at reduced prices. You also didn't answer my question, where did you source the monitor from? If you can't get warranty or a replacement on the monitor you bought, it's exactly the kind of reason why we suggest buying something that is concurrent instead of looking at the price of aged hardware.

its from a internet cafe, i mean these monitors worked there fine for years, but can't even last a week in my home. i want to find the problem source, if its monitor defect is it somehow fixable? with screwdriver and hands