Exploring Below Ambient Water Cooling

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Rad/Tec Box Rev.1

Since this is a continuation of the evolution of this cooling thread, this seemed the most appropriate place to put these newest modifications, even though this system is now a totally closed system. There is no cooler being used anymore, no thermal mass of water, no filter concerns, my Rad Box has been completely re-modified, it is now a Rad/Tec Box.

The Rad/TEC Box houses 2 closed loops, one closed loop cools the TECs hot side, the other closed loop is directly cooling not only my CPU, but both 580GTX in a single cooling loop.

So without further adieu, let the pictures begin.


Dual Reservoirs, one supplies Swiftech Pump, the other is XSPC with Pump Inside


Location of Water Block/TEC




Cold Collection Water Block


TEC on Water Block


Swiftech Apogee XT modified cooling TEC Plate


Res and Pump


Swiftech Pump Mounted

Rad/TEC Box Rev.1 Continued


Water Block/TEC clamping view


Insulated Assembly


Closer View


Fan Controller Inside View


Fan Controller Outside View


New Setup Inside Computer


Leak Testing Computer


Leak Testing Rad/Tec Box
Rad/Tec Box Rev.2

Rev 2, was the addition of a 360 radiator in the return to reservoir line, to limit the GPUs combined ability to heat the water.


Top Mounted 360 Radiator


Full View Showing Insulated CPU Line


New Tubing Connections


Rear of reservoirs


Front of reservoirs


View of setup


Outside Computer


Outside Rad/TEC Box

Now to sum it all up for you.

The TEC/Peltier is no longer chilling a mass of water it is directly chilling the water going straight to the CPU/GPUs, the TEC/Water Block assembly is insulated, and the line going to the CPU is insulated also.

The GPUs were adding considerable heat building in the reservoir so the 360 radiator was added in the return line to put a limit on their ability to add heat.

Before the radiator addition my CPU load temperature was reaching 63c and the GPUs were reaching 53c, adding the radiator to control the return line temperature, the CPU under load is now 57c and the GPUs reach 41c.

Is this the end of my testing and modifying?

ROFLMAO! :lol: Dream On!

Seeing as how I am now cooling my CPU and both GPUs in the same loop, these temperatures are totally acceptable.

With a 23c ambient my CPU idles at 30C, keep in mind that's with 2 GPUs in the same loop, with the CPU overclocked to 4.5ghz Hyper Threading running all 8 threads with the 2700K.

This should be picture wise very self explanatory.

Questions anyone?

:) Ryan

It would take a massive case, something in the mountain mods cube type of case, and those aren't very portable themselves, what's not in the pictures is the power supply powering the TEC assembly, it would take a case capable of housing 2 power supplies.


I have recouped some office real estate, without the cooler being in there!

It's funny, you get used to something being there and don't realize how much space it takes up, it served it's purpose at the time and was an acceptable inconvenience!

As far as man up, I don't really need to move the thing. :)


The Rad/TEC Box, IE., Super Micro server case guts has been modded so much from when I first got my hands on it, only the outside looks like it did.

I'll probably paint it black to match the Antec 900/2, but first I want to be satisfied it will stay that way for a while, once the modding bug has bitten, it's hard to stop scratching! :lol:

I know you understand! :)

I'm still debating pulling the trigger on a 15v DC power supply designed for the TEC, and give the Peltier it's 15v spec'd requirement just to see what happens vs the 12v it now receives?

However that's a possibility but low priority at this time! Ry

Oh I understand and 'suffer' just the same mate hehe
Where did you pull the quote from btw? I've been trying to find the first instance that I posted that but can't, I know you and rubix were in the same conversation, some guys thread or other but one of you suggested it as a sig and the other +1'd it :)
As for fully feeding the Tec, I'd be surprised if you didn't tbh, in due course though, life etc

Pull the quote from your sig Mate!

Sig Magic!

Yeah the power supply is definitely off in the distance, more to solve a nagging curiosity than being a necessity, as the TEC is doing very well with the 12v it's getting now.

Peltier cooling eh.

I'd love to see the cooling hardware details and how it is arranged, but there's not any details to that, I would imagine it's a company trade secret anyway.

16c below ambient is a pretty descent chill factor!

Are you going to pull the trigger on it?

That's probably the same type cooling system that was running that first chiller cooler you posted a link to.

It's basically a dry design cooler like your home fridge, not one you would put water into, adding water to the chill space would negate the fans effectiveness?

How would you use it?

So you're thinking a closed loop and using the chilled air inside the cooler, not putting water in the cooler and suspending the radiator in water?

That's not going to be too effective at all, he will not be able to depend on that 16c below ambient, with the rad heating the air inside the cooler?

A cool generator and a heat generator inside the same space will to a certain extent cancel each other out.

What do you think?
I'm planning on running tubing into the box and using it as a large res, yes another res heheh,
another pump may be required to feed the flow but I'll find that out when I start,
it'll be on qdc's so I can remove it from the loop if I want/need like the radbox, or I can have that and keep the radbox out of the loop, all modular you know lol
I may have to limit its effectiveness though with a 16'c margin, it may be too powerful,
time will tell but yes, payday I'm buying it

You need some detailed specs before you pull the trigger, the fan circulating air, (You know Air, the stuff inside a dry cooling unit!), may be below the water level you intend to use?, or above it built into the lid?, it's designed as a dry operation unit!

You may be completely wasting your money, but you can always have cool drinks next to your Rad Box!