Question External CD/DVD reader/writer.

Feb 11, 2025
I've been working on my computer build for quite some time now and it has not occurred to me until now that cases no longer come with an optical drive bay built in!!! 😵

Yeah, I'm old!😕🙄 Even though I have almost my entire music collection ripped to wav files I still often play CD's while in front of my computer. And I still on occasion burn a movie to DVD for my wife and I to watch. My wife and I both just purchased older cars than we otherwise might have to get a CD player.

Yeah, I know!!! (Get off my lawn!)🤣

So I'm going to have to get an external drive at some point. Is something like this any good or is it one of these things that is offering so many toys probablyfew of them work? The concept of the SD reader built in would free up a USB port often used by my separate reader for my photograph files. Plus it's a USB Hub.