Extreme laptop overheating, HELP!

That Windows 7 laptop using a Dual Core CPU is old and the fan inside probably stopped. is the laptop even turning on?
I'm replying to you on the laptop :') so yes it does, I'm not sure about the fan stopping, but do you think that's the problem?
hi i have an old laptop and I've been having extreme overheating and I don't know the cause, the overheating has damaged the laptop from the outside and left marks on it, as if its been burnt! (I only use the laptop for browsing and youtube)
View: https://imgur.com/a/eovgqyt
My old AMD laptop literally scorched the inner lining of its case. If yours sounds loud then it might be time to clean dust out of the vents, or get the fan replaced by a professional.
My old AMD laptop literally scorched the inner lining of its case. If yours sounds loud then it might be time to clean dust out of the vents, or get the fan replaced by a professional.
I've replaced the fan myself and dusted it out thoroughly already
What is in the area of the damage? I don't think anything that hot would be going through that area of the palmrest, the CPU and other chips that get hot are usually towards the top of the laptop not the bottom by the palmrest. You need to open it and actually look at what is happening there. There it nothing anyone can do over the internet, you need to look at the thing yourself and see what is causing this.
My laptop also got very hot some weeks ago . And that wasn´t because of dust or old thermal paste. I think i used a bit too much new thermal paste when replacing it and the heatsink could have been screwed onto the cpu a bit tighter.
It´s not always dirt or old thermal paste .
Those buttons below the trackpad really need replacements. Maybe some doublesided tape and some black plastic or just pieces of electrical tape. That´s what i used and it works so far. Better than no buttons