
Feb 26, 2006
Just installed my A8N32 SLI Deluxe need to get the latest BIOS.Want to use EZ Flash option.When downloading the new BOIS to a floppy do I formate the floppy first? Do I make it a bootable dos floppy? Have read the instructions in the book and on the Asus web site but thy just say "download to floppy disk"?!? Dont want to screw this up! Need to know for sure before updating. I understand the DOS process but the EZ flash sounds so easy. And this is the first time flashing BIOS. Little Leary...Also anyone use the 1404 Beta Bios yet?
Planing on using the 1303 unless I hear something good about the new beta version.


Mar 23, 2006
Technically you don't need a floppy. EZ Flash can read from a USB disk, or possibly even your hard drive, though I've only used a floppy. Yes, it should be formatted, but it doesn't need to be a bootable floppy because you're not booting from it.

You just put the floppy in your drive, start the machine, enter the bios, go into the EZ Flash tool, navigate to your floppy disk, then choose the bios file you want. Let it do its thing, and you're the proud owner of a new bios version.
I have the same MB. EZ flash is easy enough, but there is an easier way. Your MB manual also has the instructions for using a correct BIOS file and the ASUS update tool. Download the correct BIOS file to your desktop. Open ASUS update tool (start>ASUS update tool). From the drop down menu select 'update BIOS from a file'. Choose the file you just downloaded to youir desktop. ASUS update tool will verify you have a selected a correct BIOS. Select Flash and you have a brand new BIOS.


Feb 26, 2006
Well I tryed the Asus Update but the first tiime when I clicked on it the computer rebooted and the second time I got a Microsoft Error??!! So I dont think its safe to do that option...Will try the EZ Flash...