Failing USB Ports. Failing Motherboard?


Feb 17, 2014
I am worried that I may be having a failing motherboard. Twice, I have had a problem where I will turn on my computer and it will run but no picture will be displayed. It has happened on two different gpu's so I know that it is not the graphics card. After waiting an amount of time and me cursing at it, it works. Also recently, after the computer running for a period of time one or more USB ports on the mobo will stop working. My mouse will freeze, or my keyboard will no longer type and my wireless adapter will just light up a solid green instead of its usual intermittent flashing. The adapter will usually restart itself and work and my hard wired mouse will too, but a wireless mouse or my keyboard must be unplugged and plugged back in. I know my keyboard and mouse are not the defective parts because I have tried different ones and still have the same problem. The power never cuts to the items plugged into the USB ports, they just don't work until they are unplugged and plugged back in. I can tell this because the mouse still has the laser and the num lock light is still on on my keyboard. I just wanted to know before I drop $90 on a new motherboard. The motherboard I am currently using came from a refurbished hp h8-1534. I took parts from it and added a more powerful psu, gpu, and swapped cases. one of the two black screens occurred before the upgrades, but the usb failures started a week ago. I did my upgrade in December, so I don't think that caused any troubles. Thanks for the help.


Feb 17, 2014

So, if I replace the old motherboard with one of the same chipset and obviously same socket, from the same manufacturer will I have to reinstall windows? The motherboard I'm looking at isn't the same exact motherboard tho.