Question Fan noise too loud on PS4 ?


Jan 24, 2022
Hello everyone,

So I have a PlayStation 4 “Ultimate Player Edition” CUH-1116B from 2015 and it has spent most of its lifespan inside its original box, because I got a gaming PC shortly after that and it became my preferred platform at the time.

With that being said, over the years I would occasionally take it out from the box and play something random for a few hours. And then I’d put it back in the box. But that’d be it.

However around two weeks ago, after getting all the trophies for both TLOU Part 1 and Part 2 Remastered, I felt the urge to play the Uncharted Collection. Yes I know, I could’ve played it on PS5 but the collection only outputs 1080p and it looks kinda blurry on my 1440p monitor.

With that being said, I decided to use my PS4 with my “old” 1080p monitor and play the collection there.

Well, right out of the box I noticed that the fan was “noticeable”, but I didn’t make much of it as I didn’t find it excessively loud and the weather isn’t exactly great in my area. I also don’t remember how it sounded like before so there’s not much to compare to. And PS4s are usually “known” for being kinda loud. So I ignored it and kept playing.

However today, I decided to advance to Uncharted 2. Well this is where things went kinda south. The fan immediately started to ramp up while in the main menu and it was way more noticeable than it was in the first game.

I even made a video of me playing so you could see what I mean.

Now, the thing is. Could this be normal, in anyway? Considering my room was kinda hot at the time (we are having temperatures raging from 35 to 37 degrees celsius during the day and my room loves to absorb heat. Although these games don’t look exactly demanding. Idk. What do you guys think?

Am I damaging the console by using it like this? Or do I really need to open it up, dust it and reapply new thermal paste? Because theoretically the paste should be dry, considering the console’s around 9 years old by now.

I mean, to be fair, I’ll probably just put it back into its original box and use the PS5 instead if that’s the case. I’d rather do that than opening the unit just for 2 games as I will put it back into the box after finishing the collection. But I just want to hear from you guys before doing so. Because if it’s actually louder than it’s supposed to and I’m harming the unit by using it like this, I’ll just use the PS5 and deal with the blurrier quality.

Also keep in mind that versions like the PS4 CUH-1200, Slim and Pro are usually known for being quieter. So I’d appreciate to hear from people that have, have had or know these models (1100).

The video:

Thank you so much in advance! 🙏
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do I really need to open it up, dust it and reapply new thermal paste?
...theoretically the paste should be dry
i wouldn't recommend it for this type of device.

these are specifically made with a different element of cooling with no intention of outside manipulation.
Am I damaging the console by using it like this?
keep feeling the box while in this state to see how much heat is being generated.
if it is uncomfortable to the touch then it's possible,
but i doubt it since it's never been an issue normally reported.

just keeping the console stored over years wouldn't negatively affect it in any way, probably the opposite actually, so it should be still in good condition.
I’d appreciate to hear from people that have, have had or know these models (1100)
you would get much more of a response from a forum like Reddit since there are millions of Sony users there regularly.