FAR CRY 2 A little disappointed so far!

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Jan 18, 2007
So, I had the highest expectations for FAR CRY 2 and I shouldn't have. I play Crysis all the time and I know Far Cry and Crysis were always kind of working together. So let me just say, I am a little disappointed on Far Cry 2. I really wish they would have kept the same graphics engine as Crysis and made it very similar. The biggest mistake they made was creating their own graphics engine. This should have been a Crysis 3 just labeled Fry Cry 2.

First disappointment:
There aren't very many control options like melee attack and so on. You also have to hold the right mouse button to aim your sights. The controls are very simple and almost too simple. When reconfiguring my controls to the way I liked it, I usually use the Enter key for going in and out of doors, picking things up and so on. They fricken wont let me use the ENTER key at all!!!!!! What the hell is that all about!!! That was the biggest disappointment right away and was a warning sign of things to come. So if I want to use my arrow keys instead of the w, a, s, and d configuration and I need to enter something, I have to reach all the way over to the "E" key. So I did reconfigure to the \ key just because its closer to the arrows to enter doors, guns, etc. They all worked except when I want to exit from a mounted GUN. I sill have to use the "E" key no matter what for some strange reason and this cannot be changed once again. So lame! I really feel they put this game out in a hurry and forgot a lot of helpful things. There are a lot of things and options to do in the game, but you can’t change the keys for some. I hate that and I feel like I am playing an arcade game at the arcade.

The graphics: I have everything max and its smoother and nice. I would have to say they are a step down from Crysis though. I am blown away with Crysis every time I play it and if Crysis is a 10, this would be an 8. This game actually really reminds me of the latest Soldier Of Fortune. Remember how that looked kinda cool at first and then totally sucked.

The movement and feel: Once again pretty disappointed with the feel and realism of moving around. For Crysis, you really feel like you are running, but in this I am once again reminded of early old first person shooters like Soldier of Fortune.

When shooting people, it is not as realistic as I thought it would be at all. The blood effects are lame and it looks like pink paint splattering out very similar to Soldier of Fortune. I also have to shoot the guys that aren't wearing bullet proof vests in the chest about two or three times. Oh man that is the biggest disappointment. You shoot a person in the heart in real life, he's going down either dead or paralyzed.

The Good. They do a good job of making you feel like you are the character. You can never see a third person view and you never leave your first person view to go from gun to gun, seat to seat, or anything else. They did a good job of making you feel like you only have a few things in your pocket and what you are carrying. I mostly got that feeling because there are so few key options in the main menu to change and use.

I have only played a few levels so far and will continue right now, but I just had too many complaints right away to let it go unsaid. I will give you more updates soon.

So far after playing Crysis and COD4 this game is not blowing my skirt up at all! It started to in the very beginning, but went limp as soon as I started a level. So far compared to those games I just mentioned, if those are 10's this is a 6.5. We will see. Maybe I just have to lower my expectations and get use to not being comfortable with my keys, graphics, realism, etc. Then it will be awesome. So I am going to try that.


Dec 15, 2004
You are aware that Crysis and Far Cry 2 were made by two completely different developers right? And the reason Crysis feels and plays like Far Cry is because both share the same developer, while Far Cry 2 was developed by one of Ubisoft studios.

I don't have the game yet, so I'm speaking from past experiences here, but Ubisoft is known for making less than stellar games, so I wouldn't be surprised if this one was a letdown taking advantage of the Far Cry franchise.

Basically, don't bother comparing Far Cry 2 to Crysis, since Crysis IS the spiritual successor to Far Cry, while Far Cry 2 probably only has the name.


Jan 4, 2006
I'm not a fan of Ubisoft, and Far Cry 2 isn't made by Crytek so it isn't a real sequel as emp said. Also, a lack of control options probably stems from the fact that this is a multi-platform release, and I doubt Ubisoft was as concerned about the PC version as they were the 360 and PS3 versions.


Jan 18, 2007
Yes I am aware that this is from a completely different developer. Just from watching the videos and playing and reading the reviews, it did seem very similar. In actuality, its nothing like it. The whole time I am playing it, I am becoming more and more board and trying to figure out ways to get my money back. I cant stand shooting the guys about 4 times and then they finally die. I hate that. I cant stress enough how unrealistic and stupid that is. Someone needs to make a realism mod and quick, because they missed it by a long shot on this one with the killing.

The weapons and sounds are cool though. That only holds my interest for a short time until I am shooting and shooting and they are still not falling down. Lame! These guns are filled with BB's


Mar 23, 2008
Yep, original Far Cry and Crysis are both made by Crytek. Far Cry 2 is made by Ubisoft. As for graphics, at max settings, it won't be as good as Crysis because Ubisoft has to water it down enough to run on consoles, a daunting task that Crytek didn't have to deal with.


Aug 20, 2008
I cant get over some of the goofy colors, someone please tell me this is my graphics card or monitor, but my monitor is showing bright reds and Greens and Purples on rocks and the ground



Oct 2, 2008
I enjoyed it, I will say it is much better than crysis in some ways (performance for one...) although overall not nearly as groundbreaking. it has some neat new features and combat in general is good (if a little frusturating, guns jam wayyyy to much) I will say a better comparison would not be far cry 2 vs. Crysis, but instead Far cry 2 vs. STALKER. the they are actually very similar gameplay wise


Jan 18, 2007
I am glad, that some of you liked it, because I was beginning to feel sorry for the game. I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't handle the arcade feel of it. You are right we shouldn't compare to Crysis and I think Crysis and COD4 has spoiled me for good. So I had to take it back. Guess what though. I returned it for Warhead. Should be a good trade.


Oct 16, 2008
Crysis **** sucked anyway. What a linear and boring fps. Great graphics though ! *sigh*

And guns jam so much cuz you get crappy custom rifles from afrika. If you buy them at a shop I'm pretty sure it's not as bad.


Mar 2, 2007
Sounds like I made a good choice in not getting Far Cry 2 right away. I will wait till the price drops and/or enough people wine to up the DRM limit.


Aug 30, 2007
I'm not sure if I completely dislike yet.....It feels worse than STALKER since the guy runs so slow and gets winded so quickly....

Weapon degradation is stupid in its current form. I had a New Mac 10 (from Gun Shop) degrade while not using it WTF?. I have lots of little complaints...that normally are just that, LITTLE. But this game has so many of them that they equate to several really big ones.

One thing I will not complain about...length of the game, I am impressed and annoyed at the same time. Other open world games are similar in that you get a mission...it takes forever to get to it because its on the other friggin side of the map....So no complaint specifically on length...

Oh well at least it runs ok....and the editor is cool, too bad its not for a better game.


Aug 30, 2007

OMG I was totally thinking that while I played..... and its called Payback.

I'm glad I never got it...it was definitely a budget game.

I'm starting to doubt if I will finish this game....even once.


Jan 18, 2007

You may be able to take it back if you hurry. If you do it right and quick enough they can possibly take it back as defective. Then its the managers call if he can put it back on your card or just give you store credit. When I took mine back I purchased and return all within probably 5 hours or so. The guy took it back as defective and put the money back on my card. Good luck. They should have just called this game Far Cry Payback.


Sep 25, 2008

Check your GPU temp


Dec 28, 2006
I'll be picking it up today most likely, I'm not surprised, it's Ubi.. they took community made patches and redistributed them as their own.
My GX2 has a lot of issues with the game: colors get messed up whenever a new scene loads, and the display driver crashes when i exit the game. Latest WHQL drivers. See sig for computer specs. Runs great on max settings though.


Mar 1, 2006

I am still making my opinion of the game and I dont expect this to change yours, but I thought I would point these few things out:

1.) It was never stated that Far Cry 2 would be realistic and the original was quite a "far cry" from it, so I am unaware of where this expectation came from.

2.)Call of Duty 4 is a very "arcady" shooter (i personally love it), but it seems that you arent truly wanting realism in gameplay, but more or less for people to die quickly when shot. Now even though this is a rare occasion remember that Curtis Jackson (50 cent) was shot 9 times and still lives to this day (that is more than double your complaint of 4 times in the game)...yes I know this is an extreme example, but still....

3.) If you want realism then move to a Tom Clancy game and then when it isnt realistic enough for you. Your complain about realism should hold more since that is the point of most of their games.

Now those are the only things I noticed about your complaints that stuck out. I actually was thinking the same thing about SoF, which is funny and I did laugh when I read that. Funny but sadly true. The game shows slight potential...I think after a patch or 2 and a driver update it could shine more, but could never be over a 7.5 or 8 out of 10 even though its metacritic score is far above that.

Question: Does yours or anyone elses mouse act somewhat funny (as in slow or maybe unresponsive and inaccurate) in the menu screen? Just curious... since mine seems to be doing this, but it is OK in the game. Hopefully a patch will help with some of the graphical glitches that have begun to annoy me. Unless of course it is my system causing the issue, which I doubt is the case. lol




Feb 19, 2007

Yeah mine does that too in the menus, does fine in the game though.

YES! i was changing my mouse sensetivity 1st thing. It was annoying and made me feel like I should have a bigger mouse pad. But in the game it's fine.

Why is everyone busting on this game? I personally like it and is a refreshing change to COD4 or Crysis. The Crysis single player is nice, until you start with the Aliens just like FarCry (the original one) with the Monsters, then it's ruined. I like FarCry2's feel, there are less functions but adds to the simplicity of the game and lets you concentrate on other things. The red hue to everything is really what it is like in Africa, the colors that is. The Multipayer is sweet, I like that there is no radar and no real HUD. No fancy upgrades or abilities, just shoot the dude you see. I also like that you can't prone. At first I thought this was stupid, especially when assigning my mouse buttons, but in Multi I soon found out this was nice to eliminate those annoying campers. I mean there are so many plants, trees, and obsticles to hide near and behind you dont have to lay down, you wouldn't see anything. But i think it makes it hard for someone to camp all game and snipe people. I hate camping snipers.


Oct 23, 2008
I agree totally with the spitfire dude...
Farcry 2 does not give us what you might believe if you see the trailers and so..
Crysis plays much nicer, and even with a much higher fps...
I have a intel quad-core with 2 8800GTS 320 and sometimes Farcry has even jerky gameplay, and if you look at the graphics, this is totally stupid....
Realistic my ass, it's damn right ugly, the mouselook is also terrible..
luckily there's enough ammo so you can get everybody down, only it will cost you a hell of a lot on bullets...

they just didn't get it right, and don't give us that crap that it was written for xbox and ps3, cause Mass Effect is also a beaty on the pc, so it can be easily done...and they used the unreal2 engine...dunia should be a lot better if you have to believe the programmers..

i cant enable AA, cause the game will crash, getting it to work took me for about an hour, how can they release a game like this...it's not finished by a long shot...

I hope that they write a big overhaulin patch quickly, i feel robbed right now..



Jan 18, 2007

Wow, I never knew 50 cent was so lucky. That can only be explained by a miracle which in a game if everyone is receiving miracles all the time, that's no fun and then whats the point in using guns. Here's the thing too though. No one, unless by a miracle, can be shot with a 50. machine gun in the chest and live to tell the tail. Well, there were two very lucky soldiers in FC2 yesterday that miraculously survived this traumatic incident, so I had to go up close to them and put them out of their misery with my 9mm pistol because my 50. cal wasn't cutting it. I also got a guy in the head, but he did get away to tell the tail.


Jul 18, 2006
Whatever happened to the "completely destructible" environments?

Destructible environment — No more obstacles: Everything is breakable and alterable, even in Multiplayer mode. The DUNIA engine's RealTree technology also delivers the most realistic nature deterioration system ever.

That is complete BS. I know FC2 is completely separate from Crysis but the comparisons are inevitable. So to make a claim like that about the destructible environments and have the actual product be so inferior to what Crysis offers is just dumb.
Examples: After getting to the first safe house I wanted to try some of the this out. So I go out side and see a pile of logs. First I try hitting them with the machete. One or two logs from the top fall off and nothing else. Then I start shooting, nothing else even moves. Then a grenade, nothing else moves. So I back up and fire the rocket launcher and the pile remains in tact.
So now I walk over to the car. Fire away few rounds into the windshield and get some decals but no broken glass. I go around to the side and open up on the side of the car. A few more decals and the door pops open but no real damage. Then I unload my side arm into the front tire. Every single bullet bounces off and the tire remains good as new. As I walk away from the vehicle in disgust I realize that within the couple minutes of doing all this the bullet "holes" in the windshield have disappeared and the glass is crystal clear.
While walking around the wooded areas I've tried repeatedly to hack away at the vegetation with the machete but to no avail, the brush is nothing more than scenery.

I've just started playing and I think it can be fun but I definitly think Ubisoft came up short of the expectations they laid out. And despite this game having no real relation to either Far Cry or Crysis, those are still going to be the obvious measuring rods for this game and Far Cry 2 will suffer for that. Maybe the game will be ok, but we'll all be left wondering how much better this game would have been had the same concept been used but with a better engine - like oh say, Crytek's?
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