Fast hyper jumpers???



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Ok, time to clarify fast hyper jumpers....
Which ships and races have these as in practise it is getting hard to
tell...and by fast hype do we mean hype b4 other hypeing ships but not
b4 some movement from normal warp ships..
and do these fast hype ships get to move off after hypeing or just sit

ps. I know the Priv meteor is functioning well, but the rebel falcon,
EE moscow do not seem to b???

Emperor Leeroy not so fast..
also the labour camps produce 10mc ea for EE...
Now desperately trying to find something EE have over
the Solarian. Its not hype, crew combat, income, fighters or warp
speeds or even prisoner camps..or growth tho thats come down for the
solarian now.
ah got it...diplomacy and allies....:)))


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Yes would like to learn more about how to use the EE Moscow.

If moves 20ly b4 hype this will b quite hard to land on a target.
Combat is from tick 50 right?? that'd b 10ly for the moscow.
Or can u innitiate combat and still board b4 combat but if u fail u
ie. Moscow moves 40ly and reaches someone willing to let them get near.

I take it you did mean fast hype move b4 normal hype as the Priv meteor
hypes in on EE ships b4 they get to hype.

So also I take it that fast hype allows u to hype in on normal warp
ships b4 they move
at all?? Is this the case ? And normal hype would occur halfway thru
normal warp movement.??

I think somewhere in the EE guide it mentioned the Moscow as being a
fast hyper or it implied it as the only means of trying to get at(via
board) ships avoiding combat. Or r we saying to use the Moscow u have
to guess the r near exact spot an enemy ship is going to b at tick 100
so u canhype in on it??? y bother just send any hype ship to do
if this is the case as Combat will b immediate as after tick 50???



Jun 18, 2002
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Well first of all the EE is no boarding race.
And they also do not need to be. The Moscow has actually also a Grav
Well Generator and a Grvaitonic Mine Dropper - to stop enemy hyper
jumping ships from
hyping before the Moscow reaches it. Of course it will not work all the
time some ships are just faster with their warp engines (even if they
can also hyp - ie. all Cent ships with hyp drives).
And then in case you are going to assault someone it is best to have a
few of the most dangerous ships boarded or damaged (or at least a
greatly reduced Crew) before the combat starts (ie. it is preferable to
board a Lotus or Aurora before combat). And yes if you hyp on top of an
enemy boarding will happen before combat. Also since the hyp range of
the Moscow is 750 lys, you can try to board ships from a distance which
might just be out of their scann range, and therefore neglating the
possibility that their ship gets boarded after they reach their target.
I could go on, but you might have gotten the idea.
Other targets for the Msocow are damaged enemy ships, starbases (more
or less immobile ships), etc..
And then you could ie. put a Moscow at one exit point of a WH and then
board the enemy once it moves through. You just have to make sure that
you are also seeing the ship when it moves through - which is not
difficult if done right.


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Hyping ships move before hyp.
Fast hyp ships move after hyp

Hyping ships hyp at tick 100
Fast hyping ships hyp at tick 0.

Thus hyping ships have only 100 of 200 movement phases to travel at the
speed you set. (before they hyp)
Fast hyp ships have the full 200 movement physes to travel at full speed.
(after they hyped)

There are exactly 2 Fast hyp ships

- Falcon

The 'Blockade runner' in Moskow Class Blockade Runner has nothing to do with
fast hyp!


"LeeSMaz" <> wrote in message
> Ok, time to clarify fast hyper jumpers....
> Which ships and races have these as in practise it is getting hard to
> tell...and by fast hype do we mean hype b4 other hypeing ships but not
> b4 some movement from normal warp ships..
> and do these fast hype ships get to move off after hypeing or just sit
> there???
> ps. I know the Priv meteor is functioning well, but the rebel falcon,
> EE moscow do not seem to b???
> Cheers.
> Emperor Leeroy not so fast..
> also the labour camps produce 10mc ea for EE...
> Now desperately trying to find something EE have over
> the Solarian. Its not hype, crew combat, income, fighters or warp
> speeds or even prisoner camps..or growth tho thats come down for the
> solarian now.
> ah got it...diplomacy and allies....:)))


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How can you board a ship with the EE Moskow Class Blockade Runner ?

If he can't reach his target before Combat ???

"Lordfire" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
> Hyping ships move before hyp.
> Fast hyp ships move after hyp
> Hyping ships hyp at tick 100
> Fast hyping ships hyp at tick 0.
> Thus hyping ships have only 100 of 200 movement phases to travel at the
> speed you set. (before they hyp)
> Fast hyp ships have the full 200 movement physes to travel at full speed.
> (after they hyped)
> There are exactly 2 Fast hyp ships
> - MBR
> - Falcon
> The 'Blockade runner' in Moskow Class Blockade Runner has nothing to do
> with fast hyp!
> Lordfire


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You can hope that your enemy drives at your position before tick 50.
You can hyp in such a way that you jump exactly on top of the target. This
way you have a chance to transport people before a fight is initiated.
You can try to come from the right angle to the target. I'm not sure if this
is correct anymore..


"Lord Lancelot" <> wrote in message
> How can you board a ship with the EE Moskow Class Blockade Runner ?
> If he can't reach his target before Combat ???
> "Lordfire" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
>> Hyping ships move before hyp.
>> Fast hyp ships move after hyp
>> Hyping ships hyp at tick 100
>> Fast hyping ships hyp at tick 0.
>> Thus hyping ships have only 100 of 200 movement phases to travel at the
>> speed you set. (before they hyp)
>> Fast hyp ships have the full 200 movement physes to travel at full speed.
>> (after they hyped)
>> There are exactly 2 Fast hyp ships
>> - MBR
>> - Falcon
>> The 'Blockade runner' in Moskow Class Blockade Runner has nothing to do
>> with fast hyp!
>> Lordfire


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Thanks for the info and ideas,

By the way, confirmed my earlier hickup with the EE labour camps,
they do still produce 400% credits just less often then they use to.

Emperor Leeroy.


Apr 3, 2004
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Oh and something for your fight against the Sol.
Take prisoners, spread them on 10+ planets.
Uninteresting how much money you get from them, important is the
happieness drop you create in his empire. Belive me its my own
epierience, you can get him with happieness.
needs prisoners, patience good defence possibilities and 10 turns after
it his income is greatly reduced.
You can also get him with the food on the long run as a sol prefer big
and few colonies normally to cunnel out in case of problems.

Prisoners, Food go for it.


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Loki schrieb:
> Oh and something for your fight against the Sol.
> Take prisoners, spread them on 10+ planets.
> Uninteresting how much money you get from them, important is the
> happieness drop you create in his empire. Belive me its my own
> epierience, you can get him with happieness.
> needs prisoners, patience good defence possibilities and 10 turns after
> it his income is greatly reduced.
> You can also get him with the food on the long run as a sol prefer big
> and few colonies normally to cunnel out in case of problems.
> Prisoners, Food go for it.

Wrong thread ;-)) ?

Think your ideas are well known, but is's maybe hard to do.

Bye-Bye JoSch.