Figuring out why my mobo isn't starting correctly (AORUS Gaming 7 4C C1 Error)

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Dec 10, 2015

This is my first large budget build (done two smaller ones before). I'm using the Gigabyte AORUS Gaming 7 board and the Intel Core i5. The Gaming 7 has onboard graphics, but I also bought a GeForce GTX 750Ti.

When I received the motherboard, one or two CPU socket pins were bent slightly. After some googling I decided it wouldn't be a big issue, and put everything together. Startup went fine, installed Windows 10 and got everything working correctly. I bought a larger nicer fan that I've used in my other builds that I really liked (especially since I wanted to do overclocking and the fan with the i5 wasn't great). I installed it just fine, but when I went to boot it up it seemed to try three times getting to "4C" on the little debug screen (Post?) and seemed to retry each time, then the lights all went on and it stuck at C1, and restarted. I'm not getting any console output.

My first thought was installing the CPU fan may have moved the CPU somehow and made the bent pins worse. Because it was like than when I received it, I contacted Gigabyte for an RMA, but now they're telling me bent socket pins aren't covered under their warranty (which is dumb, especially so because I couldn't find that anywhere in their warranty). They said they could replace the damaged socket for $100, however, which is a backup plan.

I want to be sure that's the issue, though. Anyone ever experienced this? Here's what it looks like, since I may not have described it well:

Thanks an absolute ton,
That RAM isn't on the specific board's QVL and doesn't appear on the RAM manufacturer's QVL either. I would clear the CMOS and see if that does anything. Removing the RAM would likely give you the error code for "memory not installed" but in case it isn't, what code does it give you. Again, how recently did you buy the RAM? A return policy still might be in place.
Hey Nick,
Yeah, bent CPU sockets are a huge pain. Just to confirm a few things, I'd like for you to remove the better cooler and check for anymore built pins. Alternatively, you could also try booting with the previous cooler installed. What is the EXACT model of i5 you're working with? Have you tried reseating the RAM?

I've checked the pins, they look the same as they did before. Honestly they're not *that* bent, and only two, maybe three. The CPU is pretty secure, so I find it strange replacing the fan would've changed that.

I tried the old cooler of course, connecting the fan correctly and everything. I've tried moving the RAM around, including with a single stick. If only I had another to test it with, I definitely would. I wonder if the RAM is the issue, still. I'm using the Core i5 8600K.
That RAM isn't on the specific board's QVL and doesn't appear on the RAM manufacturer's QVL either. I would clear the CMOS and see if that does anything. Removing the RAM would likely give you the error code for "memory not installed" but in case it isn't, what code does it give you. Again, how recently did you buy the RAM? A return policy still might be in place.

Still get the C1 error, but it happens much quicker and without all the lights turning on (appears after about five seconds, stops at C1, then reboots). I'll try returning the RAM and see about getting a new one. Where can I find the QVL?

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