Filchware's and Bloodstone [LSJ]



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So can you have minion A use Filchware's action to put the bloodstone
from another player's ashheap on another player's minion B? And is it
still a +1 stealth D action(Bloodstone)? Or an undirected equip(FPS)?

Filchware's Pawn Shop
Master: unique location. Trifle. Any minion may equip with any
non-location equipment card in any Methuselah's ash heap as an
undirected +1 stealth equip action (he or she must meet the
requirements of the card, if any). That action costs 1 additional pool
if the minion chooses a card from his or her controller's ash heap.
Otherwise, the action costs 1 less pool or blood (but never less than

Equipment. Put this equipment on any minion (this is a +1 stealth (D)
action if the minion is controlled by another Methuselah). This acting
vampire gets +2 intercept when attempting to block the bearer of this

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tobinator wrote:

> So can you have minion A use Filchware's action to put the bloodstone
> from another player's ashheap on another player's minion B? And is it
> still a +1 stealth D action(Bloodstone)? Or an undirected equip(FPS)?

Yes. Directed

> Filchware's Pawn Shop
> Master: unique location. Trifle. Any minion may equip with any
> non-location equipment card in any Methuselah's ash heap as an
> undirected +1 stealth equip action (he or she must meet the
> requirements of the card, if any). That action costs 1 additional pool
> if the minion chooses a card from his or her controller's ash heap.
> Otherwise, the action costs 1 less pool or blood (but never less than
> zero).
> Bloodstone
> Equipment. Put this equipment on any minion (this is a +1 stealth (D)
> action if the minion is controlled by another Methuselah). This acting
> vampire gets +2 intercept when attempting to block the bearer of this
> equipment.
> -tpl

LSJ ( V:TES Net.Rep (remove spam trap to reply)
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I don't think Minion B can take that action. The equipment is still
controlled by the original minion's meth. In the spirit (and picture)
on the card Prey's minion puts the stone in Minion A's pocket (on his
undead person) which allows him to "sense" minion A's actions while
Minion A (including his felllows) isn't aware of the stone.

That's how I reason it out. Also see the Charnas the Imp rulings...

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tobinator wrote:
> The equipment is still
> controlled by the original minion's meth.

No, the Bloodstone is controlled by the methuselah who controls the
minion it is on, as with all equipment and minion cards.

Bloodstone question for LSJ:

Minion A puts the Bloodstone on Minion B. Can Minions B and/or C place
the Bloodstone on Minion D by Bloodstone's text? If so, does Minion A
get +2 intercept versus Minion D as well as whoever moved the
Bloodstone to Minion D?
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On 12 Mar 2005 12:35:19 -0800, "tobinator" <>

>Equipment. Put this equipment on any minion (this is a +1 stealth (D)
>action if the minion is controlled by another Methuselah). This acting
>vampire gets +2 intercept when attempting to block the bearer of this

Another one on Bloodstone, so to be sure of it.

I control minions A and B. My prey places a Bloodtone on minion A. If
minion B tries to equip with the Bloodstone from A, cardtext is
triggered and I can send the Bloodstone to another minion (say, from
my predator), right?

Some people got confused, thinking card text applies only the first
time you place the equipment. I don't think so.


Fabio "Sooner" Macedo
V:TES National Coordinator for Brazil
Giovanni Clan Newsletter Editor
V:tES Brasil Site (only in Portuguese for now)
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Fabio "Sooner" wrote:
> I control minions A and B. My prey places a Bloodtone on minion A. If
> minion B tries to equip with the Bloodstone from A, cardtext is
> triggered and I can send the Bloodstone to another minion (say, from
> my predator), right?

No. B would get to hold it.

> Some people got confused, thinking card text applies only the first
> time you place the equipment. I don't think so.

You can't move it willy nilly, no. The "put this on" text only applies
when the card is played.

LSJ ( V:TES Net.Rep (remove spam trap to reply)
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So, just to get this straight, the stone can be moved from minion to
minion as otehr equip. can but the intercept goes with it. I.e. the
original minion who brought the stone into play has intercept against
the holder of the stone as card text suggests. Correct?

Another thing, For multiple stones held by same minion I assume
intercept stacks (2 stones = +4 intercept is original playing vamp is
the same) .

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"tobinator" <> wrote in message
[Re: Bloodstone]
> So, just to get this straight, the stone can be moved from minion to
> minion as otehr equip. can but the intercept goes with it. I.e. the
> original minion who brought the stone into play has intercept against
> the holder of the stone as card text suggests. Correct?


> Another thing, For multiple stones held by same minion I assume
> intercept stacks (2 stones = +4 intercept is original playing vamp is
> the same) .


LSJ ( V:TES Net.Rep (Remove spam trap to reply).
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Though effective, appear to be ineffective -- Sun Tzu