Finally, An Asus X99 Motherboard

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If only the ROG looked that good. The red on the rog is just too loud and is the only reason I have not bought one. Asus how about a ROG ULTRA with this color scheme
re M.2 slot:
The article says it looks like one, however also that it's not a good spot and I agree.

The problem is the main POWER CABLE is likely to push up against it once you put the motherboard in the case so damaging the M.2 SSD board is very likely.

Why they wouldn't just put it in the UPPER LEFT makes no sense to me.
From the manual
If this is the mobo then I must say it is beautiful. Asus should follow the approach of building ATX Power connector, USB headers in right-angle on the mobo as EVGA has started recently. This would make cable management rather very easy. Also, will this board support Thunderbolt needs to be seen!
I'm just not sold on the whole M.2 size, fittings and locations. I don't see this as making a huge inroad. The newer SATA Express which offers 40% speed BUT requires 300% more connection space - I'm not too sure about THIS interface, either, but at least their devices (IF THEY EXIST!!) appear to be fitting into drive-bays.

Not consuming motherboard acreage.

I get the feeling that both of these 'advances' are more babysteps and dillydallying instead of real progress.
That slot is the M.2 slot. If you zoom in you can see the label under it. It says M.2x4. So, M.2 with 4 PCI express lanes.
It is without a doubt an m.2x4 slot. think about it, if you were designing this and had so much to fit on a limited space, wouldnt it make sense to reduce its footprint and make it a vertical slot?
OMG, just when I think I gave up on X99 I may have to reconsider - this board looks absolutely incredible and would fit perfectly with my black / white / blue color scheme. I just hope it's not an eATX board!
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