I think it's unanimous--those who are of high technical aptitude are focused on the Intel drama like a laser, and yes, we all agree that Pat should return to Intel; not the least of reasons is that Pat himself has a very strong engineering background in addition to high business accumen. So, why is it that he was fired? One reason is because he strenuously opposed the woke hiring practices that former CEO Brian Krsanich instituted, knowing just how harmful such deleterious hiring practices can be to a cutting edge tech company. It's fine to go woke in an anonymous administrative office (especially if it's a government office), but uncompromisingly not acceptable to do so in a highly technical laboratory or manufacturing plant like Intel. Intel must hire on merit and only merit, and Pat was in the process of doing just that.
There are those who question Intel's fab and design divisions operating simultaneously on potential moral/psychological grounds. To think that Intel will somehow "cheat" a customer through espionage of the customer's chip designs by running these two divisions simultaneously is truly offending the Intel customer. Intel is a grown-up; only third-world warlords engage in such baby games.