2 years
Never updated her FF browser
Never updated the OS
Never powered off or rebooted the system
Zero backups
7,000+ tabs open!!
Sorry, but this is 100% self inflicted.
But wait...."Hazel retrieved those tabs-of-treasure thanks to the X community explaining how to restore an old Firefox browsing session from the profiles cache."
I have a hell of a lot of tabs open, but they are more of a reminder that when (if) I get the time I will go back and look at / watch whatever that was, some are simply there for reference, and whilst you can do this via bookmarks it's easier and faster to just keep on going with new tabs than to bookmark stuff, give it a sensible name, put it into a sensible folder and then remember where you were on your read/watch list. I obviously bookmark things that I want to keep on going back to (Toms Hardware for example is in a folder just for "Tech Websites").
I also routinely close tabs that I am done with, but even then I have over 450 open tabs in Firefox and yes that has been accumulated over at least a couple of years, Firefox DOES get updated regularly, Firefox DOES get shut and opened again regularly, the PC DOES get rebooted fairly regularly and I do take manual bookmark backups ever now and then, Acronis does it's thing otherwise and there is a simple way to save as bookmarks ALL open tabs in one go (I cant remember how, but that is obviously bookmarked).
As for performance, it really doesn't seem to make any real noticeable performance difference if you close it and open it again as it immediately only loads the last tabs you were looking at (not necessarily the tabs furthest on the right, out of interest sometime last year I tested it with a spare user account on the same PC with zero tabs open and everything else setup identically and didn't notice any difference. As for RAM usage, right now Firefox is using 1,303MB.
Is how I or how "Hazel" uses Firefox the ideal way, probably not, but it does have some benefits that I noted over and above only using bookmarks, and obviously has some drawbacks if no backups are made as per Hazel's story, but what is really quite impressive is that it doesn't just work, but actually works well and is pretty damned reliable compared to trying to do something similar with any other desktop app, can you image how things would work if you tried to open 400 MicroShaft Word documents.!
Ultimately the moral of this story is to make bookmarks for the stuff you care about keeping and make backups of your data including those bookmarks.