First Build- Core i7 $1500

Thanks for the suggestions Gkay ill definatly look into changing the mobo but i want some more opionion too to see if they agree with you or not. ALso the ram link didnt work.

I would get that PSU but my cable managment SUCKS so i went with a modular.
I would keep the mobo, or get the deluxe, agree with the 2x gtx 260's, ram recommendation looks good too, Definately change the PSU to something like the Corsair 750 or 850 Tx
If your ordering soon then I advise you to keep the 4890.

$200 ($180 after rebate)

Plus you can use the promocode Sizzle15 to take off $15 which will make the card cost $185 and only $165 after the rebate that is a steal for such a great GPU. You can CF them and certainly outperform the 260's in SLI. Also just make both of them separate orders that way you can use the promocode on them both to save $30 instantly.