First build GTX 480 vs. GTX 560 Ti vs. GTX 570 vs. HD 6950

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It's fine, but some other 7850s come with two games and the Gigabyte only comes with one free game. Other than that, no problem. I'd get this one:

If you care about the extra free game. It will probably overclock better than the Gigabyte would too, but that's not a guarantee. However, the Gigabyte is probably the best 7850 to buy if you don't want to overclock it yourself. At stock, the Gigabyte will be almost as fast as a reference 7870.
I have a GF100 GTX465 (same core as the GTX480) and I push about 90 C temperatures while under heavy load, I idle 81 C, and I burn through lots of power, I would recommend staying away from it if other options are comparably priced...

The GTX 560 GF114 is coming down in price and has solid performance numbers, but is def behind the 570...


Actually the thing is i live in Pakistan, can't find a different brand than gigabyte for 7850 and now hd 7850 is cheaper than hd 6950 so i thought it'd be better if i get it or else its price would increase. So i was going with gigabyte, if u were me what would u do buy the gigabyte????

If it's the only one that you can find and it's cheaper than the 6950 (which is a slower, more power hungry card with less VRAM, worse in almost every way despite being a good card), then I see no reason to not get it. It's definitely nice to have the only option be as good as this Gigabyte 7850 in a situation where you only have one option.

hmmm ok thanx

P.S :- i could buy a gtx 570 but its too of gigabyte and i've seen it does not beat 7850 by much and its power consumption is way too high. what are ur thoughts on this

can anyone plz help me out in my thread (dh67cl one)

7850 wins by a huge margin. This Gigabyte 7850 is faster than a GTX 570 and is almost as fast as a GTX 580 despite using less than half the power because of it's factory OC to 975MHz. The 7850 also has much more VRAM capacity than the 570 (1.25GB versus 2GB).

For gaming, AMD already had the performance per watt advantage ever since Nvidia made Fermi, maybe I could check and see if they had it even earlier. GCN made AMD competitive for compute, they were already competitive for gaming. Also, GCN doesn't make much difference in gaming performance per watt; the die shrink is what improved gaming performance per watt.
well, I'm just bitter because because you really can get much better gaming performance for less money from ATI but I need CUDA for the video stuff I do :/


Some video editing programs are compatible with OpenCL, so AMD cards are an option if you use them. I don't know what program you use and I'm not an expert in media editing programs, so I can't tell you if you can switch if you want to, but it might be more of an option than you think. I know it's not a video editing program, but Photoshop is compatible with OpenCL, so it stands to reason that popular editing programs probably do as well and I know for a fact that some video editing programs support it. For those that do, an AMD Radeon 7950 or 7970 would be as fast as or even faster than even Nvidia's far more expensive Quadros because the AMD 7900 cards are just so fast for compute.

I didnt bother to read to much of this since i never said evga assclown.I said gigabyte i just bought one from someone used off ebay and i just got an rma no questions asked done believe me heres the proof read before you respond.

Dear Customer,

RMA# USA-1251231 is issued for your request A123794 of 1 pcs.

This RMA number is good for 30 days.

Please print out your return label and affix it outside the box.

For better service, please tell us what type of hardware you are using in the system by filling out the attached system configuration form and send it with your RMA item inside the box. Here follows the return address:


Customer Service Center

RMA# USA-1251231

17 358 Railroad St

City of Industry, CA 91748

Please read our policy and shipping instruction carefully before sending your RMA back.

Thank you.

I am NOT the original owner of the card.So please show me more of your knowledge....And for any of you not aware of the gigabyte gtx 480 superclocked its faster then a gtx 580 got it for $250 you will NOT find a better bang for the buck then that trust me an ati 7850 cant hang with this and for the same price to

Overclock the 7850 and it will beat the overclocked GTX 480 in performance while still using less than half of the 480's power usage. The 7850 is then faster, uses less power, cheaper (especially if you factor in the free games that are included), and it even has better compatibility with the most recent standards of instructions and has better compute performance, for what little those last two are worth. I've said it before and I'll say it again... The GTX 480 is a great card, but it's power usage is simply too high for it's performance nowadays when similarly performing cards for gaming use a fraction of the 480's power usage. The power usage increases it's cost over the few years that the buyer would own it to the point where they might as well just get a 7950 and overclock it instead because by the end of those few years, it will have saved money and be a lot faster.

Uhh no just no the gigabyte i have hits 900 core and will beat a gtx 580 stock by 10% easily.7870 would be more inline with what i have.even if you overclock the 7850 to its max potential and then do the same with the gigabyte Super overclocked theres noway it can compete.The guy asked for best bang for the buck not anything about power usage.actually 900 core on this 480 can pretty much keep with a 7950 stock the numbers are very close as ive owned the 7950 as well.
oooh we have another gold plated 480 prowling the forums....
the 480 is hot, loud, and uses way too much power= inefficient.
the 7850 would be the way to go with this situation for price to performance and efficiency ratio. OR you can wait for the 560 range from nvidia
I need to take a profile pic looking hard with my hat backwards to get my point across...... like a REAL tech junky does it yo!
even if OP doesnt ask about heat, power usage or noise.. it is still our job to bring awareness to that kind of stuff that he hasnt thought about at time of posting or might not even be aware of..... its called thinking outside of the box

Another stupid post keep them coming.funny how you dont read either.Im not telling him to get a reference 480.Basically the gigabyte and galaxy super overclocked card i have run cooler then any card on the list.My galaxy never see's 60 celcius under full load and the gigabyte doesnt see 70.So the whole hot issue doesnt apply to what im talking about.Loud?Sorry man i can run both cards in sli at 100% fan speed and it is barely audible.7850 has driver issues where the gtx 480 does not.Ive actually owned most of the cards on this list so go back in your hole.Oh and i dont try to be tough i was an mma fighter for 7 years so no need to act it i just am.

Ya it does its called driver issues.Read hard forums see all the people that sent back there 7970's and went back to the gtx 580's happens all the time.Old or not it does eerything a new card does so who cares?

I can see selling the 7950 and getting a 580, 570, 6970, etc but not 2+ year old hardware. Instead of taking a step back you took two so-to-speak.


I have gold plated 6990's hand forged by GOD himself. They don't go over 72°c but they sure do sound like a FA-18 Hornet taking off of U.S.S Ronald Reagan!
