First time installing SATA HDD. Driver question.


Mar 14, 2009
Hey all. Im a new member, also new to installing pretty well anything in a pc.

Iv purchased a SG Barracuda SATA HDD and will be installing it on a mobo (MSI MS-6743 (865GM2/865PEM2), almost 6 years old) with the Intel ICH5 (421 mBGA) Chipset and I currently have a PATA W.D. HDD installed (WHICH I WILL BE REMOVING!).

Iv been told that winXP wont recognize my SATA HDD on boot up.

I was told to search my mobo driver CD for any possible SATA drivers.

Now under a folder called "IDE" there are 2 folders called "Promise" and "VIA".
Inside the "Promise" folder is another called "S-ATA". Confusing part about this folder is there are 3 sub folders called "PDC20375", "PDC20376" and "PDC20378" which all contain a folder called "Driver".
Inside the "VIA" folder there is a "Driver" folder and inside of it is a folder called "SATA"
In that there seems to be drivers (im assuming) for all versions of Windows, excluding Vista, Considering this is a rather old MOBO.

Question is: Will i need to copy any of these "driver" folders onto a Floppy disk in order to properly install my SATA HDD?

OR, just Tinker around in my bios settings?..

Sorry if this seems to be a bit confusing to you all but hell, im lost LOL!

Thanks a million in advance!


First question is, does the mobo CD have a utility that install drivers for you? Merely copying a driver from the CD to the existing HD does not do the job. And using a utility supplied with the board might make it easier to figure out exactly which driver to install. I looked on the MSI website and could not find a mobo manual to read about this.

Next, take a close look at the new HDD. SATA drives have NO jumpers for Master, Slave, etc. However, Seagate did install, on many of their recent drives, a jumper that limits the drive to performing like an original SATA (150 speed) drive, and you need that - the MSI specs say the SATA controller on your mobo runs at that speed. Seagate's concept was that people like you would leave the jumper installed, but people with newer faster SATA II controllers would remove it.

Now you need to look into the details of how your BIOS handles a SATA drive. To do that you need to get into BIOS Setup - often, you reboot and hold down the "Del" key to get there, but yours might be different. In BIOS Setup, look for where the peripherals are set up. It is possible that, by default, your SATA ports are DISabled and you will have to change that. Then look closely at what options it allows for SATA port control. Newer boards might have up to four options: IDE emulation, plain SATA, AHCI, or RAID control. You do NOT want RAID anything. If it offers IDE emulation, choose that. In this mode, the BIOS takes over part of the job and makes a true SATA drive appear to your Windows OS as if it were a simple IDE drive, and Windows knows all about that and handles it flawlessly. But some older BIOS's do not have that option and will only deal with the drive as a standard SATA device. That is when you need to install a SATA driver in Windows.

Now, if you are simply going to continue booting into Windows from your old installation on the old HDD, you would have no problem once the SATA driver is installed, because Windows would know to load it along with all its other drivers. But if you plan to get rid of the old drive and make the new Seagate your boot drive, there is a problem. In that case your Windows would be trying to boot from a device for which it has no driver.

When you are first installing Windows to a new drive from the original Install CD, there is a procedure to integrate the driver into Windows. First you have to make a floppy disk containing the SATA drivers. Then as you start the Windows' Install procedure, there's a place where it asks you if you want to install external drivers. If you do, you have to press the "F6" key and follow the instructions, Then Windows builds the drivers into itself as it installs, and from then on it knows how to deal with your SATA disk. However, you are not doing this.

Without re-installing Windows, there is another routine procedure for you IF you plan not to continue using your old HDD. You have to create a floppy disk with the required drivers and keep it in the floppy drive. Then every time you boot the machine you have to intervene (like pressing "F6" or something) to tell Windows where to find the driver it needs to access the SATA disk. Look up these details in docs on how to boot Windows in this situation.


Mar 14, 2009
Hey thanks for the reply Paperdoc. Great details!

I just got my new pc parts today.

Iv just checked my Driver CD and yes it does have a "Utility" folder within the "VIA" folder. When i try to use the SETUP.EXE it says it cannot find the proper hardware in my system and terminates setup. now im assuming this is because my SATA HDD is not installed yet.

I will be removing the older HDD. Ill only be using the newer HDD and yes, i will be installing my OS onto this drive. so i can only assume i will have to find these SATA "Drivers" and copy them onto a floppy? or could i just install this SATA HDD along with my old HDD, then install these drivers with the install CD by running the Utility SETUP.EXE and then unplugging my old HDD and installing my OS onto the SATA drive? I do not have a floppy disk atm.

ALSO here is a rapidshare link to see my MOBO manual. iv uploaded it myself.

Im really impatient and would like to have this thing up and running today, considering iv waited long enough for the part to arrive from :sweat:


Mar 14, 2009
Iv recently read on another forum that the ICH5 Chipset doesnt need any 3rd party drivers for sata installations. This true?
If you set the SATA controller to emulated or native IDE mode, you will not need drivers for XP.
If you set the SATA controller to AHCI mode, you will need to make a driver disk and put the drivers on a floppy. When asked during the Windows install "Press F6 if you need to install a 3rd party driver" you will press F6. Later during the install Windows will ask you to supply the disk with the driver, insert it, Windows will find the drivers on the disk and ask you to pick the one for your controller. Yes, there will usually be more than 1, but it's also pretty obvious which one you need to pick.

Make sure you are using the correct setup utility, there should be one that will specifially make you a floppy disk for this task. If you do not have a floppy disk drive...well then you should just forgo all this nonsense and just set the controller to IDE mode. There is really no difference, you just won't be able to use some of the advanced features your SATA drive supports, like hot-swapping. Performance difference is nearly "0", literally.

What you read about the OS not needing the drivers is likely pertaining to Vista.
Vista has built in SATA driver support, XP DOES NOT.


Thanks for the manual, now I can see what you need. Start on page 3-7 with the note in grey box. It says version 1.0 of the mobo BIOS only allowed a total of 4 IDE/ SATA devices, so if you have one or two SATA devices installed, it / they replaces an IDE device. However, with ver 2.0 BIOS the SATA devices are IN ADDITION to the 4 IDE devices. To see which is your case, see page T-3 on how to identify your BIOS version. For your situation it may not make a big difference. Bottom line is you should be able to make the change you want simply, and without adding drivers.

I understand you have one old HDD, presumably as the Master on IDE channel 1, and one CD or DVD drive, presumably as the Slave on IDE Channel 1. The jumpers on these two devices should be set that way, and the single 80-conductor cable from mobo Channel 1 connector should have the HDD on the end, and the DVD on the middle connector. Your plan is to clone to the new SATA drive from the old IDE one, then switch around so there is no old drive at all, and the new SATA drive becomes the bootable C: drive.

I'll write this as if you have the earlier version 1 BIOS, which is more limited, but if you have ver 2 it will work just fine anyway. It appears the difference between those two is this: With ver 1, when you connect a SATA drive to Port 1 it can replace the IDE Master on Channel 1, whereas with BIOS ver 2 the SATA unit on Port 1 becomes the Master on a new IDE Port 3. The key is on pages 3-17 and 3-18. To get the initial cloning done, for a ver 1 BIOS we want not to disable the existing old HDD on Channel 1 Master. Connect the new SATA drive to Port 1; see pages 2-22 and 2-23. Enter the BIOS Setup screens on booting (page 3-2) and in the Main Menu cursor down to "Integrated Peripherals" and hit "Enter". Cursor down to "On-Chip Serial ATA" and use Page Down to set it to "Legacy Mode", which will enable the SATA ports and combine them with IDE ports. Now cursor down to "SATA Port 0 Mode". Note this confusion: although the mobo labels call them Ports 1 and 2, the BIOS calls them Ports 0 and 1. You plugged into SATA Port 1, which BIOS calls Port 0! Anyway, on page 3-18 it appears you should set the first SATA port to option 3, "Secondary Master" which will make the SATA drive on this port become like the Master on IDE Channel 2, which you are not using. It is not clear to me if you can simply ignore the unused second SATA port, but maybe you must set it to option 4, "Secondary Slave" (also unused).

Hit "Esc" twice to return to the Main Menu, then cursor up and "Enter" on the "Standard CMOS Features" option. Here again they are being confusing, because the mobo labels say Channels 1 and 2, but the BIOS calls these Channels 0 and 1. Anyway, if you cursor down to IDE Channel 0 Master (your old HDD) it probably is set to "Auto" and the same for its Slave (your DVD). By now I expect your IDE Channel 1 Master is your new HDD and it should be set also to "Auto"; if not, do that. The Slave on this channel probably is at "None" since there's no device on it. If you have lines showing IDE Channel 2 Master and Channel 3 Master, that's because you have version 2 of the BIOS that creates these new IDE channels specifically for SATA port use.

"Esc" back to Main Menu, cursor over to "Save and Exit Setup", hit "Enter" and confirm. The machine will reboot with the new settings. What all of this should have done is set up the SATA drive so that BIOS pretends it is an IDE drive and Windows can handle it with no trouble at all - no new drivers required. Since you appear to be using Win XP, you can check whether this is working so far. The new drive will NOT appear in My Computer, because it has not been Partitioned and Formatted. But there is a place Windows can show it to you as an empty resource.

Click on Start, then RIGHT-click on "My Computer" in the menu and choose "Manage". In the left pane of the new window, expand "Storage" if necessary and choose "Disk Management". Now on the right you will see two panes. In the upper pane is a list of current devices with their properties, and it should show you your existing older C: drive. The lower right pane scrolls to show you Disk 0 and its contents - usually one partition called the C: drive, a CD-ROM or DVD drive, and it should also have a new Disk 1 with nothing but Unallocated Space on it with a size a little smaller than Seagate said it is. (By the way, there is NO missing space - Seagate and Microsoft just disagree on the definition of a "Gigabyte".) Anyway, if you see your new HDD unit here, Windows has access to it and we're good to go forward. Simply Close this Disk Manager window.

VERY IMPORTANT! Check which Service Pack you have installed in XP. Click Start ... Control Panel ... Help ... About Windows. On the line about Version number it should say Service Pack (or SP) 1, 2 or 3. If it does not, you have the first release of XP and it does NOT support large hard drives! Technically, it is called "48-bit LBA Support". Without it, you cannot use a drive larger than 130 GB all as one large volume, although you can split it into Partitions within this limit. If you don't have at least SP2 installed, download it (or SP3) and update your XP BEFORE proceeding further.

Now you are ready to clone your old drive to the new one. Since you got a Seagate drive, it may have come with a CD of utilities including one important one called "Disk Wizard". If not, you can download this utility from the Seagate website for free. Install it on your old HDD. This way it will know you have support for large hard drives and not limit you.

Run the Disk Wizard. It is designed for this job of cloning or migrating EVERYTHING from your old HDD to a new Seagate HDD of a different size so that you can completely remove the old one and run from the new one. Look around the menus because you'll need to know where to set some things. Most important is to know that your old HDD MUST be the Source drive for the cloning operation, and your new one MUST be the Destination. Get this backwards and you'll lose everything, because it will completely destroy anything on the DESTINATION drive. On the Destination (new) drive, you'll want to set these things:
1. Partition Size - how much of this drive do you want to be the first (C:) drive? If you want it all used in one volume, do that. If you want to make it smaller and come back later to create another Logical Drive to use separately, you can do that, too.
2. File System - choose NTFS for such a big drive.
3. Choose the option to MAKE THIS DISK BOOTABLE. That way it will set some key bits on the disk and copy all the secret boot files to exactly the right place on the disk.

When you have everything set, tell it to proceed with the cloning. It will do several steps all in one operation: Partition as you specified, format the disk, copy the boot files, then copy absolutely everything from your old HDD to the new one. When it is finished you can shut down the system, unplug it, open the case and disconnect your old drive. I'm going to suggest another swap to ensure simple operation. We are going to make your new drive act like the Primary IDE Master, but there will not be a real device connected in this position. So, at the mobo end, unplug the IDE cable that used to handle the old HDD and DVD. Plug it in instead to the Secondary IDE connector on the mobo. At the other end of this cable, it used to plug into the old HDD, but you just disconnected that. Unplug the middle connector from the DVD, and plug in the end connector instead. Now re-adjust the jumpers on the DVD to make it behave as Master since it is now the only device on the
Secondary IDE Channel. You might need to pull the DVD drive out of the case to read labels on it telling you how to set the jumpers. In this case, do NOT set it to "CS" (Cable Select); if it offers a choice of flavors of "Master", choose "Master with no Slave". Now close up and reconnect power, and boot up. Boot into the BIOS Setup right away to re-adjust settings.

In Integrated Peripherals ... On-Chip SATA, set the first SATA port (connected to your new drive) to option 1, "Primary Master". If you have to, set the other SATA port to option 2, Primary Slave" although there is none. Esc back to setting the IDE channels. I would guess here that you will set "On-Chip Primary PCI IDE" to Disabled since there is nothing on this port, and the BIOS is going to slip the new SATA drive into the Primary Channel Master position. Ensure the Secondary IDE port is Enabled and its only device, the Master, is set to "Auto". Esc back to Main Menu. Go into Standard CMOS Features and set IDE Channel 0 Master to Auto, Slave to None; similarly, set IDE Channel 1 Master to "Auto" and Slave to None. Esc to Main Menu, select Save and Exit, and the machine should reboot cleanly from the new disk. Your C: drive should now show up as the big unit you bought. Check that the DVD drive is still the same name (maybe it was D:) as before. Done!

Now for the OOPS! part. If this does not work and the machine can't boot, you can go back into the BIOS Setup screens and try making adjustments. And do not panic, because you still have your original old HDD, with no changes to it, sitting there disconnected inside the case. If you had to, you could back up and reconnect it and run from it again.

But assuming it does work as planned, try it all out for a while. When you are really sure it is working, you can decide what to do with the old HDD. Maybe just decorate your shelf with it. Maybe wipe it clean and install somewhere else. Whatever.


Mar 14, 2009
UPDATE, just finished installing winXP onto my new SATA HDD. XP recognized it without a problem. thanks for all your help guys!

Major props to Paperdoc, thanks a TON! keep up the good work :D