First time PC build, is this good for £450


Jan 4, 2014
So I want to build my first pc (primarily for gaming/ maybe some video editing) and I came up with this set-up. I made an eBuyer list with everything except the graphics card which i'll get off amazon.

Comes to about £450 excluding OS, will this be good enough for gaming? Are there better alternatives for the price? I've tried doing as much research i could and this is the best i could come up with for the price and i've tried to only choose good brands for the important parts.
Yeah this will be good for gaming. You're not going to play BF4 at Ultra settings but around medium. A really good budget build go for it man! The video card is also beast I love 2GB+ GPU's.


Thanks for the reply, on the note of BF4 I searched on youtube for this setup and there i found a video of someone with an almost identical setup playing BF4 on ultra settings 40-60fps, am I missing something or is it actually that good?

EDIT: Just looked at the description and he's playing on 1680x1050 so that might be why