It's a pretty straightforward process these days, if you are going the intel route then it's really just buying a nice CPU cooler, a k-series processor and then playing with bios settings until you get a good result. It is a bit of a hassle though, and if you aren't confident then it's not that big a deal. As I said above your budget is really healthy so you could always get a 3570K and not overclock it, so you have that option in the future. It's not great economy, but if you are comfortable with "wasting" some money to give you that option, then it's certainly viable.
As for graphics, I don't know which MSI card you are talking about. If it's the HD7850 the guy above linked, it's a nice card but for a $1500 build you'll probably want to be spending more. A lot of how much you "need" to spend is tied into your monitor.
If you want something current generation that's more close in performance to a GTX580, then something like a HD7870 or GTX660 are pretty good starting point.
Your best bet when it comes to graphics cards overclocking is just to buy a good quality card with a smallish factory overclock. These usually have good coolers (like the MSI Twin Frozer) which mean you can push them further, but you are unlikely to see vast leaps in performance. Also, MSI make Twin Frozer versions of basically every graphics card from AMD and Nvidia, so if you are hunting for graphics cards they are a good place to start, but you might find better dealers from other manufacturers. EVGA are pretty popular for good prices and great warranties.