Fitting XFX HD Radeon 4850 in Coolermaster 690


Jun 27, 2009
Hi there, this is my first time building a computer. I am trying to put this card: into this case :

The problem is the blue velcro binding blocks part of my video card when I try to put it in, but I've found someone who has squashed it with his card:

Do you think I should do the same, or is there any alternate way? Thanks
Are you talking about the blue plastic clamps that hold the card in place on the back of the case? If so...why not just break them off and drill a hole in the case. Put a screw in. Done.

What blue velcro ar you talking about? There is nothing in that case that should block any part of your graphics card.
Ya I meant the blue plastic clamps that hold the card in place. Is there any alternative to breaking them off and drilling a hole, or is that the only way?
The metal edges you point at in that picture go toward the motherboard, and shouldn't be affected by the blue clamps in that picture at all. I still don't understand what your problem is. The part of the card that interfaces with the blue clamps is the opposite side that you marked, the side of the backplate that is bent in an L shape.
Sorry, my stupid diagram made no sense at all. I meant the side where the backplate is bent in an L shape. That is the part that is affected by the blue clamps. The metal juts outwards right where the blue clamps are. Sorry for my stupidity
See this picture:

The blue clamps on the left side does not allow where the graphic card juts outward. I know this seems like it doesn't make sense, but I think it just might be because my case is too small to fit this big card

Another reason might be because the length of the card's metal part is too long so that I have find some way to remove the clamp to put it in then put the clamp back on.
It should fit in with no problem. I can't use the clamps to secure the card though, because the PCB is too close to the bracket and there isn't enough room between the card and bracket for the blue clamp to fit between them. Just lift it up and use a screw to secure them.

Or if the top part of that bracket is too long for some reason, just pull the pin shown in the following picture out. That is what all of the clips hinge on, and remove the clips that are in your way. Then just use screws to secure the card.
When I tell others to never neglect their investment in other stuff than cpu, motherboard, memory and graphic card, it's not for the fun of it.

I have dealt with enough computers for knowing how much a good case, that is easy to work with and well designed, is important.

There is only one thing you can do for now... use that Dremel!😛

My Tsunami dream was using a similar tool free device, but it was designed for older card using a single slot on the back panel. Just get rid of it and use screws.

I have a 690 & two 4870s which fit just fine with room to spare. You have to push down on the blue plastic part, rotate it back out of the case, insert your card, then snap it back into place. No drilling or breaking required.
Joesmithy if this is your first time building a computer take your time you will get the card in there.Dont be breaking pieces off and drilling holes in your case that is not nescessary.Take your time.
Thanks for all your help. I will try to be less hurried. However, j_chatelain you mentioned I have to push down on the blue plastic clamp and roate it, can you be more specific? The blue clamp is kind of clipped in place. Thanks
Lift the blue tabs up than insert the card. Th eblu tabs ar elocking mechanisms. They have a thumb lock on them. Presds and lift. once teh card is installed teh blue clips hold teh card in place once snapped back into the locking position. READ TEH INSTRUCTIONS that cam with the CASE. Go online for the case if all else fails. THEY WORK