Question Fluctuating ping spikes


Nov 15, 2019
Hi everyone,

I've gone through as many threads as I could on the subject before I posted myself, as it seems to be a fairly common issue that I just can't seem to find a resolution for.

I'm having frustrating ping spikes on a consistent basis, that I don't know how to resolve. I'm on a 5g network (using a TP-Link Archer C9), with no other devices visible from neighbours in the channel at all. I've installed a WLAN optimiser to test if that could possibly resolve the issue, and have gone through as many network settings as I could find to see if any of them are affecting it, but nothing seems to reduce it, so really open to any and all suggestions.

Here's a screenshots of 3 ping-tests I've done to my ISP, router and google - the router ping seems to be the lowest affected:




Really appreciate any ideas.
You need to test this on ethernet. Wifi is known to do this and the scanner things are of little value. They only see wifi routers they do not see any other type of device. This includes end device that use wifi as well as all the things that use the same radio band but use other radio transmission methods.

After this you need to be very sure you are not using 100% of your bandwidth. If you have small internet connection it does not take much to spike the connection to 100% and you other traffic will be placed in a queue and delayed.

If you have a separate modem you could connect directly and see maybe its the router but that is not very likely.

Generally there is not much you can do to fix issues outside your house. Although it is not as common now days your ISP may have oversold the bandwidth and you are competing for shared bandwidth with your neighbors.

If you were getting packet loss the ISP will generally look at that. Packet delays is actually something that they implemented to avoid packet loss. Pretty much anything but online games tolerate delay better than loss.

My confusion is, that this issue has only arisen after setting up my 5ghz network (I've tested on both 2.4 and 5ghz, just never had the 5ghz properly setup). Seems to have arisen out of nowhere