beanoslim :
Picked up an R9 290, OC'ed to 1000mhz, can't say I'm blown away with the ppd, 110k-150k!
Seems to spike a bit when folding, usage dips from 100% like for a second but does it quite regularly??
Had this problem before with newer cards on older boards will try and get a better board to try it on.
All three of my cards exhibit the same symptoms on core 17 units.. With a constant drop in gpu load.
99.99,99,99,99,97,99,98,99,96,99,98,99,99,99,99,99,99,97,99,98,99.97,99, almost a perfect rhythm to it.
One a 650ti boost is running under Lubuntu with a AMD 7750@3.0 feeding it . 4 gig of DDR2-800 4/4/4.
The other 2 are GTX460s with a AMD 960T with 6 cores@3.5 .8gig DDR3-1600 9/9/9.
So I have tried everything I know of to get a solid 99% useage to no avail.
Welcome back and don't be such a stranger whether you are folding or not.
Congrats on the Daughter and I know how hectic and demanding the first few months are.