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Merry Christmas guys. It's been another great year to be part of our little folding club. :)

I got a somewhat folding relevant present, an NZXT Kraken G10 for the 290. Trying to mount the sucker but that back plate is being unhelpful. I'll get it eventually I'm sure.
Movin on up, movin on out😀



Now who's next up the road, mmmmmmmmm.......😗
Great job! I have a question: Where can I find instructions on how to maximize my folding? All of the links on Page 1 are dead. I see you guys talking about flags and some advanced settings, but I don't know how to apply these for my computer. I have the six-core i7 5820K, but I've seen that GPU folding alone is more productive that CPU and GPU folding combined. Is this correct? Right now I am only folding with my GTX 970. what is the best way to maximize my production. I have my GPU folding set to Full, and I don't really use my computer for much of anything else. I occasionally play Skyrim, but maybe only once or twice a month. I'd like to move up in the ranks. It will be a while before I can buy an additional GPU to run SLI.
Configure / Slots / Edit / Extra slot option is where you add flags.

Name : client-type

Value : advanced or beta

They are your options really, depending on the current supply of wu's available, usually advanced and beta will bring you more points but more issues with it, currently for Maxwell gpus it doesn't seem to make any difference.

With that cpu you could run a cpu client with 4 or 5 cores and see what it does, you may find that the extra heat just isn't worth it but you only have to fold the one wu to try it, just remember to leave at least one core free for the gpu.

Only other way to increase ppd is to try OC'ing your card, especially with the Maxwell chip this cld yield some higher results.

Also to maximise points try to finish a wu before you pause for gaming, just hit the finish button and the client will pause once the current wu has finished and uploaded, not always possible and say a few hours gaming isn't going to make a huge difference.

Oh Ricky, what can I say, I'm back in the Top 10...

I know we talked a lot about this moment but it seems childish to make a big deal about it, we are all on the same team.

So I'll simply say kiss my .......

Eat my shorts...


Just one more wiggle ..

That's it...

So are you saying that with the Maxwell GPU it won't make a difference in points to use advanced and/or beta? Or do you mean that with the Maxwell I won't have the issues associated with advanced/beta? Sorry for being so dense.

I have folded with 4 cores in the past, but stopped when I read on here somewhere that it was better to fold with GPU only.

I have never overclocked and am king of nervous to try, even though the software seems like it would be easy to do so. I just don't know what limits I should set it to.

When I game I usually just set the slider to medium and continue folding, then set back to full when I am through.



Thanks for that information. I'll try that when I get home.

Don't freak out if you see the odd bad state, I get a few here and there along with the odd bad wu, just keep an eye on the log.

Used to get no end with a steady stream of 0x21 wu's, its actually been good for me to get a steady stream of 0x17 and 0x18 as I have been able to test my cards out knowing the wu's aren't causing the problem.

Both mine are up to 1400mhz.


Congratulations !!!!!!!


Well I was kind of expecting more :??:
So it was slightly disappointing , but well done none the less. :ouimaitre:

I think it is absolutely fantastic what the team is doing now.
I'm producing almost 100,000 and in 15th place on the daily production chart. Last year I was ranging from 5th to 10th with the same points.
Can't say it enough.
And I hope everyone has a wonderful NEW YEAR.

Is it possible to have both a beta and an advanced flag on one GPU? If so, do I need to create another GPU slot? When I try to edit my one GPU slot it only allows me to have just one or the other. Are there any other flags I should try? I'm still not real clear about how all of this works. I feel like I'm just stumbling along. I have my GPU OC'd to +20 right now and it's still running cool -- about 57C. However, even though I have it set to +20, I'm not sure I'm reading my monitors right. They seem to indicate a much lower speed. I'm at work right now, so I can't post any screenshots of it.
When you set the beta flag, you can still get advanced and normal WUs. So you don't need both flags. Currently I think beta is reasonably safe these days, though I can't recommend running it unless you are on the beta team.

Its a case of one or the other, advanced is the safer option as EXT said when there are BETA wu options,

Currently it doesn't seem to make a lot of difference and I don't think there are any BETA projects anyway.

I would suggest just leaving it at advanced.

Overclocking the card without voltage increase shouldn't produce more heat, Afterburner should show you the default and current speed of your GPU, not sure why you would have an issue seeing these on your monitor?!?

What's the default boost speed of your card??

57C while folding is a great temp, my cards don't thermal throttle until 63C-66C.
The other thing the beta flag gives you is beta versions of the cores, even if you received a non-beta WU. I think currently there is no difference between the cores, however there was recently and likely will be again in the near future (for Core 21 or future cores).

So yeah, I'm a complete noob at this and have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to OCing. I have the GTX 970 FTW, core clock is 1216MHz boost clock is 1367MHz. I have Core Clock on afterburner at +20 -- but the monitor says core clock is 409. I don't understand that at all. Tell me what you need to see and i will post a screen shot in the morning. I have if that will help any.
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