beanoslim :
Configure / Slots / Edit / Extra slot option is where you add flags.
Name : client-type
Value : advanced or beta
They are your options really, depending on the current supply of wu's available, usually advanced and beta will bring you more points but more issues with it, currently for Maxwell gpus it doesn't seem to make any difference.
So are you saying that with the Maxwell GPU it won't make a difference in points to use advanced and/or beta? Or do you mean that with the Maxwell I won't have the issues associated with advanced/beta? Sorry for being so dense.
Doesn't seem to atm, EXT had said that core 21 wu's had been restricted to advanced or beta but I am running the advanced flag and getting 80% core 17 and 18 wu's. Most of the issues were related to core 21 wu's.
beanoslim :
With that cpu you could run a cpu client with 4 or 5 cores and see what it does, you may find that the extra heat just isn't worth it but you only have to fold the one wu to try it, just remember to leave at least one core free for the gpu.
I have folded with 4 cores in the past, but stopped when I read on here somewhere that it was better to fold with GPU only.
Well there's no question that gpu is more cost effective way of folding and produces way more ppd than cpu but folding cpu 4/5 cores wont effect your gpu ppd, it may slow your rig down and you definitely wont be able to game while cpu folding but it comes down to points, heat and electricity really, only you know if its worth it.
beanoslim :
Only other way to increase ppd is to try OC'ing your card, especially with the Maxwell chip this cld yield some higher results.
I have never overclocked and am king of nervous to try, even though the software seems like it would be easy to do so. I just don't know what limits I should set it to.
Download MSI Afterburner, if you are on a 24/7 folding spree then just increase your core clock by 10mhz, let it run for 24 hours, check the log for errors, if its clear and seems happy, bump it up another 10mhz and keep going until you get errors, that will find your stable oc without voltage increase, therefore you have no danger of increasing heat or over volting anything. Just be patient with it and let it run with each increase, leave memory alone.
beanoslim :
Also to maximise points try to finish a wu before you pause for gaming, just hit the finish button and the client will pause once the current wu has finished and uploaded, not always possible and say a few hours gaming isn't going to make a huge difference.
When I game I usually just set the slider to medium and continue folding, then set back to full when I am through.
If that works then stick with it, I am surprised it doesn't effect gaming though.