Norton72 :
Is it possible to have both a beta and an advanced flag on one GPU? If so, do I need to create another GPU slot? When I try to edit my one GPU slot it only allows me to have just one or the other. Are there any other flags I should try? I'm still not real clear about how all of this works. I feel like I'm just stumbling along. I have my GPU OC'd to +20 right now and it's still running cool -- about 57C. However, even though I have it set to +20, I'm not sure I'm reading my monitors right. They seem to indicate a much lower speed. I'm at work right now, so I can't post any screenshots of it.
Its a case of one or the other, advanced is the safer option as EXT said when there are BETA wu options,
Currently it doesn't seem to make a lot of difference and I don't think there are any BETA projects anyway.
I would suggest just leaving it at advanced.
Overclocking the card without voltage increase shouldn't produce more heat, Afterburner should show you the default and current speed of your GPU, not sure why you would have an issue seeing these on your monitor?!?
What's the default boost speed of your card??
57C while folding is a great temp, my cards don't thermal throttle until 63C-66C.