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"Kevin Steele" <> wrote in message
> Foley:
> "In the end, you will review our iROMs service, and talk all about it.
You VILL talk! Ve haf VAYS! SCHNELL!
(Does this count towards proof of Godwin's Law?

Chris Lemon
EFNet: FredSmyth
> Zakk thought about it a bit, then said...
>> On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:58:07 -0500, Kevin Steele
>> <> wrote:
>> >Zakk thought about it a bit, then said...
>> >> Yeah there had better not be a glowing review of
>> >> an ultracade cabinet show up on your site in the
>> >> near future!
>> >
>> >I don't think you have to worry about that...ever. ;-)
>> >
>> >I've already stated that I'm also not reviewing his iROMs service
>> >when/if it hits the market.
>> Is that where the quote came from?
>> >"I don't care if you don't review it, or even mention it, your
>> >participation will have no impact on it's success"
>> That boy sounds like he's got some issues.
> Yes, that's where the quote came from:
> Me:
> "Personally, I feel this whole fiasco is a real shame: I would have
> shouted the praises of your upcoming iROM service on my site had you not
> done this first, as would have many of the other emulation-related
> sites. I hope you realize the damage you've done to your company and its
> reputation, as well as alienating the very people that you hope to sell
> ROMs to in the future."
> Foley:
> "It's a shame that you claim to be a "News and Reviews" site, but you
> won't give honest reviews about products if you don't like something the
> company has done. Not very ethical journalism."
> Me:
> "It's a cliche, but the ends do not justify the means, and claiming that
> something is yours when it is not is theft. Why would I ever review or
> recommend a product from a company like that?"
> You won't have a choice as it will have a huge impact on the community
> and you wont' want to be left out. I don't care if you don't review it,
> or even mention it, your participation will have no impact on it's
> success."
> --
> Kevin Steele
> RetroBlast! Retrogaming News and Reviews