
Aug 19, 2006
Hello, I recently installed a rather large font package on my computer. The font package is large enough to slow down my computer and I want my original fonts back.

How can I restore my fonts folder from 30,000+ fonts @ 2GB, to the original windows fonts? I don't want to do a restore option off the disc, because I don't want to lose anything. Any ideas?
Try these steps

Restart Windows in MS-DOS mode

Type cd windows\system to go to the Windows System folder

Type dir fontext.dll to see if that file exists
If fontext.dll exists, rename it to fontext.old by typing: ren fontext.dll fontext.old

Get a new copy of fontext.dll from your original Windows disk or CD-ROM and extract it to the Windows\System folder

Restart Windows
Thank you very much for the help. I will try that when I next get a chance. However, how do you restart in MS-DOS mode? (I can't believe I don't know this.) I have windoze XP, and I don't have the option to do it in shutdown, do I have to hold down control or something when rebooting?

Thank you.
i dont think u can and i dont know how, may be delete everything exept the ones u reconize?

Hmm, what an EXCELLENT IDEA! The only problem is that it takes 30 minutes every time I interact with that folder, ie - open it, close it, select a font, open a font, delete a font.

And the other problem is that there are about 200 fonts that I need, mixed into 30,000. 😉