[SOLVED] Fortnite mouse input lag/screen tearing


Jul 25, 2018
Hello, I have a 60hz monitor, so I cap my fps at 60fps and everything runs fine
but once I put the fps cap at 144 or more or unlimited fps my mouse starts lagging and stuttering, is it because of my 60hz monitor ? or is it because of something else ? I tried variety of mouses and I had the same issue.
( I have gtx 1050 )
V-Sync stops stuttering and tearing on lower refresh rate monitors with higher than 60 fps, and G-sync fixes the stuttering and tearing created by v-sync. So it sounds like either upgrade your monitor to a higher refresh rate, try re-enabling v-sync to see if the stuttering is minimized, or set your cap back to 60!
If it happens consistently with even different mice, it definitely could be the lower refresh rate of the monitor not keeping up.
I recommended the v-sync idea due to it being enabled in a few games, and sometimes it does more harm than good.
I'd try either disabling or enabling G-Sync in the Nvidia Control Panel as well, to see if having it or not would effect it.
If it happens consistently with even different mice, it definitely could be the lower refresh rate of the monitor not keeping up.
I recommended the v-sync idea due to it being enabled in a few games, and sometimes it does more harm than good.
I'd try either disabling or enabling G-Sync in the Nvidia Control Panel as well, to see if having it or not would effect it.
I just checked apparently my monitor doesn't support the G-sync! so it my monitor is the problem ?
V-Sync stops stuttering and tearing on lower refresh rate monitors with higher than 60 fps, and G-sync fixes the stuttering and tearing created by v-sync. So it sounds like either upgrade your monitor to a higher refresh rate, try re-enabling v-sync to see if the stuttering is minimized, or set your cap back to 60!