Very true, if you can't smile while taking it up the a**, don't bother trying to run your own business
How should I start it? - is there anything "govermenty/taxes" involved?
Like....fire up Word, get a domain name, and start piling up ads?
(possibly starting with a partner, another of the very few computer techies at my school )
Sure about the FT ID? I was told it's required when you start any business for irs purposes, you still have to pay state sales tax and FICA stuff (unless it's a service only business in which case you don't charge sales tax, but still pay FICA).
Plus, to become a reseller of various companies (hp, seagate, etc.) they request a FT ID, some will allow a social security number, but I ran into some that wouldn't.
If you don't get one, you have to account for your income on your taxes still, and if you make a lot without having a "job" you will get audited. Federal gov needs their Federal Income Tax regardless of type of income.
Check with a tax professional or state/federal business administrations. I know things vary by state a lot so I may have just gotten Wyoming info.
After setting out components for a machine in an orderly fashion, I can build a computer in under 8 minutes, and then 4 minutes to ghost an image to it. It's not that hard. I've built 20 in a couple of hours, the hardest part is having enough work benches to plug them all in and ghost them (It's easier to multicast an image over the network, pxe is your friend.)
I only made 3k a month average after taxes, our employee made a bit less, then we used some cash to reinvest as well as pay other bills that cropped up time to time.
In the winter I sometimes hired my brother to help build machines, gave him about $12/hr for a couple hours a week, we also did community re-entry programs where we would get paid by the state to train a person to enter the workforce after a personal 'disaster'. They were cheap (nearly free) labor! We also trained (well I did) people for A+, so that was a decent chunk of change too.
I started when I was 20, my partner was 28.
I still have all my distributors, it's nice getting a $14 walmart usb cable for $1.20
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I use ghosts to protect my current machine. You can use it to load several machines of the same hardware configuration also.ROFLMAO
I use ghosts to protect my current machine. You can use it to load several machines of the same hardware configuration also.ROFLMAO