I hope they didn't damage these things taking them a part, one day those old consoles will be real hot antique commodities if they still work.
that said , my old atari 2600 burned up eyars ago in ahouse fire, never founda replacment, my old NES finnaly got the "slot fatique" syndrome so now it goes nutso after 5 minutes of play. my SNES still works but the rca video out on it broke (the coaxial still good though) the ssytem over all stil work great, my nintedo 64 stil works good but i only have two games for it right now, my dream cast got fried in a really bad power storm (it wasnt even turned on at the time just had it plugged in), my original xbox disk drive failed , so far my 360 still works great but well... LOL i'm more of apc gamer these days ,ahven'treally played my 360 much at all lately. doesn't help i don't have an lcd tv so even on component caples my old wide screen CRT tv only gets to 480p.