Foxconn Holds Anti-Suicide Rally for Employees

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[citation][nom]irh_1974[/nom]Sorry to use abusive language, but are you fucking blind?Can't you read?Scale of the suicide? The scale is 1/7th that of the rest of the country.Jeez, maybe you should jump off a building instead...[/citation]
I said companies in China, not China as a whole. By the way, it's assholes like you that make people want to jump off the building, and you know it's the truth, you just can't see it until you read the numbers.
This is the best picture! You know it's propaganda when they have to wear t-shirts to get the message out.
Man it's so idiot.
Like to say that Capitalist is Human.
Capitalist is base just on ont thing: Money.

They don't care about nothing except money.
And if humans dies, they don't care.
And if humans have any kind of disease cause they are slave, they don't care.

The proof of that is that all capitalist country are installed in China & India.
Where the human life have any value.
Human are so bad, hycritical, miserly, etc.

Human are the worst thing who exist on this planet !
After hearing about the actual statistics of the suicide rate in Foxconn, it sounds like the media just blew it up out of proportion. I think Foxconn is actually being pretty generous and there's nothing wrong with that.
Curious what the attempted suicide rate is. You can tell those people aren't happy, capitalist.. communist it doesn't matter, I've never seen a group of asian people not smile and give the peace sign (even though thats more of a japanese thing)
[citation][nom]MonsterCookie[/nom]Get your facts right. Even 10% of the current human population would be already too much for this planet. Second thing: They DO HAVE a chose. If they would stop pumping out kids, than they could TAKE CARE of those two or three kids instead of making 15 kids like an animal. Humanity should not die, but if we PRETEND to be humans we should THINK and ACT as a human too.[/citation]

LOL. No, you get your facts right. I'm the one pursuing the degree in Anthropology. 10% of the human population is NO WHERE CLOSE to how much this huge planet can handle. The only place where human population is strained is in Africa. Not even in New York or Shanghai where people are packed like sardines in tiny apartments. Human beings are highly adaptable and can sustain life in almost any condition. It would take a very dramatic event (say, a huge group of entrepreneurs forcing a society to produce cheap, unnecessary goods) to make them unsustainable. Tell me, do you really think that things would change if there were LESS Chinese factory workers? Companies would still exploit their cheap labor. It doesn't matter how many there are, as long as a company can get it done cheaper with poor Chinese labor than from spoiled American asses, they will continue to devastate their lifestyle.

Stop spewing bullshit from your mouth and learn to shut up when you don't know what you're talking about.
[citation][nom]Wageslave[/nom]I want a "I love my corporate master" tee shirt[/citation]
[citation][nom]theshonen8899[/nom]LOL. No, you get your facts right. I'm the one pursuing the degree in Anthropology. 10% of the human population is NO WHERE CLOSE to how much this huge planet can handle. The only place where human population is strained is in Africa. Not even in New York or Shanghai where people are packed like sardines in tiny apartments. Human beings are highly adaptable and can sustain life in almost any condition. It would take a very dramatic event (say, a huge group of entrepreneurs forcing a society to produce cheap, unnecessary goods) to make them unsustainable. Tell me, do you really think that things would change if there were LESS Chinese factory workers? Companies would still exploit their cheap labor. It doesn't matter how many there are, as long as a company can get it done cheaper with poor Chinese labor than from spoiled American asses, they will continue to devastate their lifestyle.Stop spewing bullshit from your mouth and learn to shut up when you don't know what you're talking about.[/citation]

Well well, with all due respect sir for someone whom is "studying" you are speaking harsh like a redneck, so I would say that YOU are the one who got no idea about this.

Second thing: it is not about the people, you also have to feed them and allow them to have a LIFE instead of putting them in invisible small cages like animals in the zoo.

Third: have you though about the following: nowadays everything is synthetic and unhealthy, you are getting cancer even by turning around on the corner.
What would be if we extrapolate this to lets say double of the population.

You know what: if Joerge W. tells ya that there is no global warming, you believe him DESPITE that if you look out on your window you will see something else. Also, a Nobel price was given for this scientific fact.
Also, the oil will NEVER EVER end on this planet, since it is infinitely available like human stupidity.
The same is with the human population: there is no global warming, there is no overpopulation, the oil resources will last till the end of the universe.

For ignorants everything is fine, but please do not "underestimate" me
[citation][nom]azcoyote[/nom]You are an asshat of biblical proportions but I will try and explain it to you again....You are using flawed logic to come to your conclusions.Now, you want to compare people in the general population who kill themselves from work related stress to people at Foxxconn who kill themselves for the same reason.By your logic, if less people kill themselves over work related stress AT FOXXCONN than do in the general population, then Foxxconn is exonerated.THAT is the flaw in your thinking. I will give you that in your comparison, the number at Foxxcon is lower. That doesn't mean Foxxconn is not to blame. Quite the opposite actually. There is no dispersal in Foxxconn data. Same place, same group, same conditions. That all the sample data in the example you posit regards people who kill themselves from work related stress does not make the comparison you are making valid. You are comparing TAIWAN to a single COMPANY. The sample data from Taiwan comes from people who do not share the commonality of WORKING FOR A SINGLE COMPANY. (BTW - Apples are the red crunchy ones, oranges are the ones you have to peel.)In the words of Mark Twain... There are lies, damned lies and statistics. You are a SHILL and a LIAR pal... You twist the data to match what you want to be perceived and compare data that is non-comparable. Oh, I doubt you will ever concede I am right despite the fact I have PWNED you repeatedly in this debate. You are obviously incapable of that act of humility.Still waiting on my play money...[/citation]
Well, looking at your latest feedback, after my holiday, I can see that resorting to childish namecalling is back in vogue.
So far the only piece of evidence you have to support your position is that they all work at the same company.
That by itself isn't indicative of anything, seeing as earlier arguements regarding the France Telecom suicides showed an above national average trend, these are below, so what else are you using to support your opinion?
The work is hard, so what? It's hard everywhere else in Taiwan and mainland China too, work-stress related suicides are occur in industries other than Foxconn and none work-relates suicides exist with Foxconn.

Until you provide us with something a bit more than just "your opinion" - because face it, you haven't provided a shred of information more intellectual than using the word "asshat" and that is the extent of your debate. You call me a shill? How about me saying you are just closed minded and not even prepared to look at alternative theories beyond the one you have obviously just set your mind to.
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