Foxconn Workers Threaten to Jump Off Roof in Protest

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This may come to a surprise, but in Brasil, running water is not drinkable, as it is in USA. There is water of course, wich is 100% clean, and works great for showeing etc...but its not recomended for drinking because of certain quemicals it has in order to make it clean. Bottled water is the only choice of drinking water in Brasil, tap water is not recomended. Its ok though once in while, if necessary.
"Back in January, Brazilian official reportedly claimed that Foxconn planned to build five additional factories within the country, staffing them with approximately workers each that would help produce Apple devices."

It looks like you are missing a number between approximately and workers.
Keep buying up those Apple products America.

Record profits for Apple and American company that outsourced all its products to the cheapest bidder.

How bout a few percent less on the profits and actually employ some AMERICANS
It's sad and distressing that anyone has to go this far just to get some decent wages and working conditions. People may deride unions today here in the states, but if we never had unions we'd probably be a lot like China right now in terms of worker's rights and salaries.
Foxconn will find brazilian labor law to be much more protective of factory workers than the chinese law. If they try anything similar to what they do in China, they're in for an endless river of money in fines.
[citation][nom]DRosencraft[/nom]It's sad and distressing that anyone has to go this far just to get some decent wages and working conditions. People may deride unions today here in the states, but if we never had unions we'd probably be a lot like China right now in terms of worker's rights and salaries.[/citation]

And why do you think the 1% want the unions gone that are representing the 99%? Just shocking to see how many of the 99% think the 1% is right... at least to the day their chained in iron and put in a mine!
[citation][nom]shawn808[/nom]Keep buying up those Apple products America.Record profits for Apple and American company that outsourced all its products to the cheapest bidder.How bout a few percent less on the profits and actually employ some AMERICANS[/citation]Apple isn't (just?) using China for the cheapest bidder. The Chinese government meddles with the factories and will fund the building of them just for Apple.
Is it any coincidence that China and Brazil are both a) committing unethical labour practices, and b) the #1 and #3 countries in the world (Russia is #2) for counterfeiting and piracy?

What do they teach these people in school? That it's ok to lie, cheat, steal, and screw the little guy to get ahead in business? Fuck Communism - these nations have the Republican agenda down pat!
[citation][nom]rantoc[/nom]And why do you think the 1% want the unions gone that are representing the 99%? Just shocking to see how many of the 99% think the 1% is right... at least to the day their chained in iron and put in a mine![/citation]
I don't know the answer. While Unions help the 99% get high wages, it does not help that due to the high wages, the jobs are shipped to China instead of employing the 99%.
"The dispute has already been settled after some negotiations involving the human resources and legal departments as well as the local government,"

Translation: They got fired, sued for the embarrassment and thrown in prison.
No one forces these people to take these jobs. They think that the company should not only hire them, but then they make the rules for how the company treats them? No wonder these countries are so poor.

That's what work is. You will probably get treated like crap at most places, and if you don't like it, you leave and hopefully find a better place. The places that treat people like crap over time end up with bad workers, because they can not keep good ones. Better companies attract better employees.

Of course, people can always create their own business, or their own way of sustaining themselves.

To the liberal twits, just remember, the person paying the money makes most of the rules. It's how it is, and how it's always been. There are limits, of course, but work sucks, and that's why you get the paycheck. Crying because you're making less than a previous job, and threatening to jump and die, is just pathetic. It happens in the U.S. all the time, and no one pulls this crap. It sucks, but it's life. Get used to it.
[citation][nom]waethorn[/nom]What do they teach these people in school? That it's ok to lie, cheat, steal, and screw the little guy to get ahead in business?[/citation]
It's easy to say that when you're sitting on your throne of gold, living your "American dream". Think about it...

Some people are forced to accept unethical labor, just as some people are forced to use counterfeit/pirate products because they simply don't have money and everything is overpriced (astronomic import taxes being one of the reasons).
Then of course, there are always opportunists to take advantage of these situations. But I guarantee you, opportunists are everywhere in the world, not just China, Brazil or Russia...
Foxconn increased wages by up to 70% a few years ago in a bid to reduce employee suicide rates, wonder how much of a raise they'd need to make employees happy enough to counter job-induced suicidal tendencies. In any case, cheap labor is getting more expensive in substantial increments.
[citation][nom]TA152H[/nom]No one forces these people to take these jobs. They think that the company should not only hire them, but then they make the rules for how the company treats them? No wonder these countries are so poor. That's what work is. You will probably get treated like crap at most places, and if you don't like it, you leave and hopefully find a better place...[/citation]

Really? So you believe that people should be treated like crap just because they agreed to work for a wage in return? And you also believe that life in China is exactly like yours to even think that they have as many luxurious choices as you do? Please get out of your bubble and your entitlement beliefs.
[citation][nom]v90k[/nom]Really? So you believe that people should be treated like crap just because they agreed to work for a wage in return? And you also believe that life in China is exactly like yours to even think that they have as many luxurious choices as you do? Please get out of your bubble and your entitlement beliefs.[/citation]

You agree to work, you should work and stop complaining. If you don't like the work, find another job. If you get a pay cut, you don't have to like it, but whining to the point where you threaten to kill yourself is pathetic.

What luxury items do I have? You probably do not even live in the United States to be talking like that. We work constantly, more than most countries, and have atrocious bills to pay, so have to keep working. When you have two jobs, and run an orchard on the side, and fix houses, then tell me about the bubble I live in. Stop whining, grow up, and take matters into your own hands instead of crying like a pathetic child. That's how you get ahead. Not threatening to jump off a building. Life doesn't owe you anything. You should just thank God for another day and leave it at that, because that's all life is. You wouldn't understand that, because you're too busy playing online games, but that's only the lifestyle of the lazy, unemployable losers that don't want be productive in their lives. It's not everyone.
""The dispute has already been settled after some negotiations involving the human resources and legal departments as well as the local government"

The last part really is the clincher.

There is nothing FREE about free trade with nations that employ slave labor.
this douche named TA152H says typical american jobs are as hard as slave labor?

Lets pull the rock from his cavedoor, he is one ignorant SOB.
I think Microsoft, Asus, Apple, Dell, Samsung, and whoever else relies on Foxconn should band together in an effort for better employee conditions. As many different avenues as it takes...I'd gladly pay an additional $10 per product if I knew it was going to such efforts.
[citation][nom]shawn808[/nom]Keep buying up those Apple products America.Record profits for Apple and American company that outsourced all its products to the cheapest bidder.How bout a few percent less on the profits and actually employ some AMERICANS[/citation]
I don't know this for sure but I have a feeling that a lot (some may actually be appreciative of the opportunity) of Americans wouldn't be interested if they had the opportunity. These are not exciting or gratifying jobs.

Hey, I know. Maybe Dell, T.I., Motorola, Apple and other American tech manufacturers should all bear the burden of utilizing willing American workers and reducing their profits to do so.
[citation][nom]vittau[/nom]It's easy to say that when you're sitting on your throne of gold, living your "American dream". Think about it...Some people are forced to accept unethical labor, just as some people are forced to use counterfeit/pirate products because they simply don't have money and everything is overpriced (astronomic import taxes being one of the reasons).Then of course, there are always opportunists to take advantage of these situations. But I guarantee you, opportunists are everywhere in the world, not just China, Brazil or Russia...[/citation]

"Forced" to use counterfeit/pirate products? So exactly who is being "forced" to use bootleg Gucci, or pirated Windows, etc? If you do that, it's your choice to do it. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to use pirated items. Typical entitlement philosophy. If I can't afford it, then I am "forced" to steal it. Pathetic.

You obviously have no idea what it's like to work under their conditions. You talk about working two jobs and having a farm on the side and not having enough to pay your bills? If they're even working just one job, that's becuase they're working 12-20 hour days with no breaks, and still make barely enough to buy rice, which is the line share of their diet breakfast, lunch and dinner, supposing they're lucky enough to have even one meal a day. Don't believe me? Do some research on the subject. It's not as though they have abundant options either. They can't "go find another job" because there aren't any better paying jobs. And yes, I do live in the U.S. - born and raised. I know what it's like having two parents working non-stop and barely able to keep a roof over our family's head and food on the table. But I also know our circumstances were never as bad as what these people live with every single day. You think you have it bad, or that you have it tough. Well, I'm sorry to hear that. But don't mistake your opportunity's as being somehow universal to place like China or Brazil, or many other places around the world that have similar conditions. These companies make piles of money off of the hard work of these people, and justify paying them next to nothing by saying it's what most people in that given country make. Well, I'll tell you what. It's not about what everyone else makes, it's about what you need to survive. Right now that's all they're asking for - a little more money in their paycheck, for these companies to give up a little profit, so they can afford at least to feed themselves and their familes properly.
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