You agree to work, you should work and stop complaining. If you don't like the work, find another job. If you get a pay cut, you don't have to like it, but whining to the point where you threaten to kill yourself is pathetic.
What luxury items do I have? You probably do not even live in the United States to be talking like that. We work constantly, more than most countries, and have atrocious bills to pay, so have to keep working. When you have two jobs, and run an orchard on the side, and fix houses, then tell me about the bubble I live in. Stop whining, grow up, and take matters into your own hands instead of crying like a pathetic child. That's how you get ahead. Not threatening to jump off a building. Life doesn't owe you anything. You should just thank God for another day and leave it at that, because that's all life is. You wouldn't understand that, because you're too busy playing online games, but that's only the lifestyle of the lazy, unemployable losers that don't want be productive in their lives. It's not everyone.