Foxconn Workers Threaten to Jump Off Roof in Protest

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TA152H you are a hypocrite. I'm sure if you were mistreated at any of your jobs, you would try to negotiate a solution rather than just quit and find another job. Enjoy your iPhone.
[citation][nom]TA152H[/nom]No one forces these people to take these jobs. They think that the company should not only hire them, but then they make the rules for how the company treats them? No wonder these countries are so poor. That's what work is. You will probably get treated like crap at most places, and if you don't like it, you leave and hopefully find a better place. The places that treat people like crap over time end up with bad workers, because they can not keep good ones. Better companies attract better employees.Of course, people can always create their own business, or their own way of sustaining themselves.To the liberal twits, just remember, the person paying the money makes most of the rules. It's how it is, and how it's always been. There are limits, of course, but work sucks, and that's why you get the paycheck. Crying because you're making less than a previous job, and threatening to jump and die, is just pathetic. It happens in the U.S. all the time, and no one pulls this crap. It sucks, but it's life. Get used to it.[/citation]

"No one forces these people to take these jobs. "
have you actually been to china? i have friends that immigrated her from china, in china the government selects the job you are capable of doing, just like the soviet union. that's how communism works, oh, and you don't get to quit, you can ask your government labor representative for a job transfer, but that has about as much chance of happening as getting a grant for asylum as the american government hands out to immigrants not from a country we have commerce interests in.
you are assigned for life until you can no longer perform your job or that job no longer needs you and you are reassigned to another job by the government labor department rep.
F-14 thank you for pointing this out. Too many stupid people like TA152H out there, who don't know the real situation. "Just quit and get a new job" ... lol only happy iPhone user will tell you such nonsense.
I've never been to China but I wish I had the opportunity to go and work there for a month alongside those beautiful, intelligent, and disciplined people so I could see what they suffer through first hand. I'm lucky to be a US citizen and I know it. It's shameful how we live compared to those that make the tech tools and luxuries we enjoy while we squabble over the which phone is better and play our video games. However, I'm doubtful degrading my lifestyle would have any impact on the sad reality.
[citation][nom]nebun[/nom]here we go again....what's up with Asians and committing suicide?[/citation]
I think it may have to do with having little, seeing little opportunity for a better life, and that sort of circumstance. I'm glad for the ones that make it to the US, from what I've seen they work hard and generally contribute something to our society.
Amazing, apple stocks soar even as the its factory conditions like this a society we have gotten to the point where as long as the profits and margin are there, we don't care how we get the product or how it's made. I would only hope that the apple stocks would plunge as all these stories come out...companies should be punished financially for its lack of morals and willingness to get the highest margins wherever possible, even if it means abusing/exploiting workers. Instead, we only continue to reward them. A piece of crap who produces a good product is still a piece of crap.
[citation][nom]rantoc[/nom]And why do you think the 1% want the unions gone that are representing the 99%? Just shocking to see how many of the 99% think the 1% is right... at least to the day their chained in iron and put in a mine![/citation]

Why would anybody want the unions gone? Let me try to answer that.

First of all, let's not exaggerate here. The unions do not represent the 99%. For example they tend to support Democrats in elections, which doesn't help the 50% or so of American voters who normally vote Republican.
In 2011, 7.6 million employees in the public sector belonged to a union, compared with 7.2 million union workers in the private sector.

That's 14.8 million union members, out of a USA population of 311.5 million. Counting the families of these union members too, even family members who have non-union jobs, you'll probably end up under 20% of the population.

For the other 80%, unions are mostly a negative factor. If you've got a non-union job, or no job, unions mean this for you:

- higher taxes, because people paid out of your taxes get raises (even in years when you don't)
- higher prices, because all those raises for other people produce inflation
- worse service, because people providing it can't be fired if they are rude or incompetent, get raises even if they are rude and incompetent and know it, get promoted by seniority and not by merit
- occasional interruptions of service, e.g. public transit strikes
- bad investment performance in your retirement account (stocks and mutual funds are hurt by strikes and by union demands that reduce profits). This means you have to work until you're 75 or 85, instead of, say, 65.
- fewer jobs (bad investment performance means investors will send their money to create jobs elsewhere)
- higher interest rates (because government debt keeps getting higher)

Here's an example of unions at work: the education system these days can't even make people spell "to the day they're chained in iron" properly.
[citation][nom]michaelnyden[/nom]Amazing, apple stocks soar even as the its factory conditions like this a society we have gotten to the point where as long as the profits and margin are there, we don't care how we get the product or how it's made. I would only hope that the apple stocks would plunge as all these stories come out...companies should be punished financially for its lack of morals and willingness to get the highest margins wherever possible, even if it means abusing/exploiting workers. Instead, we only continue to reward them. A piece of crap who produces a good product is still a piece of crap.[/citation]
Folks need to remember its not just Apple that uses Foxconn. Do you feel the same should happen to Dell, HP, Microsoft, Samsung, etc. ...or just Apple?
$10 dollars more? you are diluting yourself. about about 3x the current cost?
It's funny how people can read articles like this one and automatically assume they can make assumptions and conclusions and blame this and that. I don't think Americans can grasp the difficulty of running a country that large. China is barely communist anymore, and besides that, it's funny how Americans think democracy works in all situations. In countries with large populations, democracy is just an inefficient mess. Look at India for a prime example.
[citation][nom]waethorn[/nom]Is it any coincidence that China and Brazil are both a) committing unethical labour practices, and b) the #1 and #3 countries in the world (Russia is #2) for counterfeiting and piracy?What do they teach these people in school? That it's ok to lie, cheat, steal, and screw the little guy to get ahead in business? Fuck Communism - these nations have the Republican agenda down pat![/citation]
Im pretty sure that Republicans traditionally are advocates for smaller government. Communism is the exact opposite.
[citation][nom]rantoc[/nom]...why do you think the 1% want the unions gone...[/citation]

Because with labor boards, OSHA and other federally regulated entities monitoring working conditions the unions no longer serve their initial purpose. It doesn't take a genius to see that the only people getting any real benefit from unions in the U.S.A. are politicians and union "leadership"... it's even more apparent to those of us that have been involved for a couple decades.

[citation][nom]michaelnyden[/nom]Amazing, apple stocks soar even as the its factory conditions like this a society we have gotten to the point where as long as the profits and margin are there, we don't care how we get the product or how it's made. [/citation]

factory conditions like what? You think it's amazing that there are places in the world where living and work conditions are not up to American standards? You think they would actually be happy if apple and foxconn pulled out of China? A job is a job folks, and you cant expect every country to just rocket forward to current day American standards.

And besides, how about describing some of these factory conditions you speak of? You can't because all you did was read a few articles on tom's hardware and develop some picture in your head.
[citation][nom]Halcyon[/nom]I think it may have to do with having little, seeing little opportunity for a better life, and that sort of circumstance. I'm glad for the ones that make it to the US, from what I've seen they work hard and generally contribute something to our society.[/citation]
they are not contributing on their free will, they are exploited buy the greedy multi-billion dollar US companies.....what a shame
[citation][nom]nebun[/nom]they are not contributing on their free will, they are exploited buy the greedy multi-billion dollar US companies.....what a shame[/citation]

...they're not being pimped. They're not slaves either. They went to the recruiting offices on their own will and they get paid more than most average migrant factory workers. What is this exploitation you speak of?
[citation][nom]halcyonloser[/nom]$10 dollars more? you are diluting yourself. about about 3x the current cost?[/citation]
I think you misinterpreted what I wrote so let me say it a different way. I'd be more than willing to pay an additional $10 on my Asian-produced tech gear if I knew that $10 was going for the betterment of the people actually manufacturing the products. TBH, I'd be willing to pay $20. My thinking is that if all products had such a tax it would be helpful to the workers. Would the Asian governments try to interfere and try to keep that money out of the worker's hands? what's the answer?
[citation][nom]shawn808[/nom]Keep buying up those Apple products America.Record profits for Apple and American company that outsourced all its products to the cheapest bidder.How bout a few percent less on the profits and actually employ some AMERICANS[/citation]

Because of the strict enforcement of safety and the lawsuit-happy mentality of the ocuntry. Most engineers would've had second thoughts about ordering the usage of neurotoxins to clean the devices' screens to speed up production.
What really makes this sad is Apple's crazy profit margins. 30 billion a quarter pure profit. I think they could spare a few dollars an hour. Greedy bastards!!
[citation][nom]nebun[/nom]they are not contributing on their free will, they are exploited buy the greedy multi-billion dollar US companies.....what a shame[/citation]
My Chinese immigrant neighbors are not exploited by greedy US corporations me thinks. One of them is an accountant, the other is a medical assistant.

The workers don't work for Apple, they work for Foxconn. You feel that Apple should bypass Foxconn and pay the workers directly? Can you be a little more specific in how you envision it should work?
First, for the Brazilian, sounds like there was a legitimate claim and cause for uprising there.

Now for the Chinese works,
"The workers threatened roof-based suicide because they were earning less in Wuhan than they had in their previous jobs."

Then don't quit your previous job? Retards.
If they were laid off from previous jobs, then sounds like their previous company paid them too much for low-quality labor and their undeserving pay is not substantial.

[citation][nom]Antimatter79[/nom]"Forced" to use counterfeit/pirate products? So exactly who is being "forced" to use bootleg Gucci, or pirated Windows, etc? If you do that, it's your choice to do it. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to use pirated items. Typical entitlement philosophy. If I can't afford it, then I am "forced" to steal it. Pathetic.[/citation]I'd like to see how YOU would behave if you couldn't afford these stuff, and yet you see those first world's rich people enjoying all these things. Would that seem fair to you?
It's easy for you to say, where you are, that you wouldn't do it...
... this is a bit absurd. Maybe I don't know much about that country, but why don't they start looking for a DIFFERENT job before deciding to kill themselves for the current one? I'm sure the work conditions are bad, but are they worse than any other job they could get? If so, get a different job. If not, then you have it better than the rest of the country that isn't killing themselves over their job.

Maybe they should be protesting their politicians for better regulations instead of protesting their employer.
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