Foxconn Workers Threaten to Jump Off Roof in Protest

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What a bunch of dumbasses.. They will kill themselfs basically if they don't get fired.. If there was a strike in the USA companies would just fire them all and hire a few of the thousands of applications people around the USA are desperate for a job. These people are retarded.

"they climbed up to the roof and threatened a collective plunge of death if their demands weren't met" What the shit do they think would happen if they did that? The company would change? If so, then why would it matter? They'd be dead.
[citation][nom]Brythespy[/nom]"they climbed up to the roof and threatened a collective plunge of death if their demands weren't met" What the shit do they think would happen if they did that? The company would change? If so, then why would it matter? They'd be dead.[/citation]
Culture is the key. While you're grown hearing words like fairness and justice the chinese are taught to bear anything with submissiveness like 1 is just a number.
[citation][nom]f-14[/nom]"No one forces these people to take these jobs. " have you actually been to china? i have friends that immigrated her from china, in china the government selects the job you are capable of doing, just like the soviet union. that's how communism works, oh, and you don't get to quit, you can ask your government labor representative for a job transfer, but that has about as much chance of happening as getting a grant for asylum as the american government hands out to immigrants not from a country we have commerce interests are assigned for life until you can no longer perform your job or that job no longer needs you and you are reassigned to another job by the government labor department rep.[/citation]
Yeah. We definitely have to remember we are dealing with commies and people working as slaves.

It seems our large corporations are doing a great job of selling this as a nicer happier communist China in order to justify the effect on the bottom line.

The Chinese people are property of the Chinese government.
[citation][nom]shawn808[/nom]Keep buying up those Apple products America.Record profits for Apple and American company that outsourced all its products to the cheapest bidder.How bout a few percent less on the profits and actually employ some AMERICANS[/citation]
You do know it's not just Apple, right? I'm not disagreeing with your buy American view, but just about everything is made in China and that is the bigger problem.

Below are some customers of Foxconn:
Acer Inc.
Apple Inc.
Motorola Mobility
Samsung Electronics

And that's JUST Foxconn. Anything on the list that you own?
[citation][nom]okibrian[/nom]Below are some customers of Foxconn:Acer Inc.Amazon.comApple Inc.CiscoDell Hewlett-PackardIntelMicrosoftMotorola MobilityNintendoNokiaSamsung ElectronicsSonyToshibaVizioAnd that's JUST Foxconn. Anything on the list that you own?[/citation]

I realized that I own something from most of everything on that list (Exept Nokia and Motorola) And most of it was bought from Amazon. lol.

Its not fashionable for folks to give credit where its due. Its all Apple's fault. Everyone else on the list you've provided is absolved of any wrong-doing. Apple is the company that's forcing poor Chinese men and women into slaved labor. ...the others, they're innocent and not worth mentioning. /facetious

I do wonder if any of the other companies have taken the interest in the workers well-being (however small that interest may be) that Apple is reported to have shown.
Simple, move the factories to Mexico. Low wages, TONS of available land, less immigrants to US as they would have jobs and would cut down on transportation to their biggest client - the US. When the Chinese have no job to complain about I wonder what they next 😉
[citation][nom]rebel1280[/nom]Simple, move the factories to Mexico. Low wages, TONS of available land, less immigrants to US as they would have jobs and would cut down on transportation to their biggest client - the US. When the Chinese have no job to complain about I wonder what they next[/citation]
Fine, as long as product quality isn't reduced.
Does everyone here understand we aren't "lucky"? I was infantry in the U.S. Army. It's not luck, it's freedom and it's earned through blood. Killing idiotic communists/socialists/unionists, that's what has made America wealthy. We work hard because we want money...period. Working hard means you have more stuff. It's very simple. Capitalism is freedom...period. Communism forces one to have the job they tell them to do. They then, have no incentive to do it.
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