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Jul 8, 2016
Hi, so I’ve recently upgraded my PC from Windows 8.1 Pro to Windows 10 Pro. I clean installed windows, and re-formatted my hard drives. I like to game and currently I’ve been playing Fortnite and Minecraft. The problem started with Fortnite though. I thought it was the game and not my computer. But, I started to play Minecraft, and I get stutters in that too. I will go from like 400 fps in both games and will randomly shoot down to like 30-50fps. It happens randomly and nothing seems to cause it. I’ve tried a lot of the solutions online, like disabling game bar and game dvr. Nothing has worked.

PC Specs:
Motherboard: MSI x370 Gaming Pro Carbon
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700x
GPU: EVGA 1070 SC black edition
Memory: 16gb ddr4
Ssd: Sandisk Ultra II 960gb
HDD: Wetern Digital 1Tb
SSHD: Seagate Firecuda 2tb - this is a hybrid drive.
PSU: EVGA supernova 850w gold standard

Thank you for the help in advance!


A few things to check...

-Make sure AXMP is enabled in the BIOS. This will ensure the memory is running at the correct speed, voltage, timings and is important for Ryzen as it's highly dependent on speed.

-Check CPU/GPU temps. Both should be under 75C while gaming.
-Newest GPU drivers?

When you did a clean install of Windows did you do a clean install of the games as well?


Jul 8, 2016
A few things to check...

-Make sure AXMP is enabled in the BIOS. This will ensure the memory is running at the correct speed, voltage, timings and is important for Ryzen as it's highly dependent on speed.

-Check CPU/GPU temps. Both should be under 75C while gaming.
-Newest GPU drivers?

When you did a clean install of Windows did you do a clean install of the games as well?

I have enabled AXMP to profile 2, which is 2400Mhz. There was also another option called profile 1, that was 2133Mhz. Which one of these profiles do you recommend I use?

I checked my GPU/CPU and temperatures and seems to me they are running fine. While under heavy load my GPU runs at about 77C and my CPU runs at 37C.

I always make sure to update my GPU drivers, so that is up to date. When I cleaned installed windows, I wiped the drives as well, so yes I did clean install the games.

edit: I've also disabled AMD cool n' quiet. I've read a lot of posts and forums that say that cool n' quiet can cause the CPU to under-perform. Also, I launched Minecraft and Fortnite for about 5 minutes each, and there weren't really any stutters, except for one in Fortnite. I will keep testing the performance of my PC and update you.
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Jul 8, 2016
XMP only puts the memory at the rated specs so the kit you have probably is only 2400. You could try manual overclocking but I'd be surprised if it passed 2800mhz without issue.
So, moving forward what should I do? I just played Minecraft for a lil bit and got some stutters/fps drops. They weren’t nearly as bad as usual though.


Jul 8, 2016
Lowering the settings should help a little bit with FPS dips and if you upgrade the memory make sure it's a 3200mhz (or better) in dual channel 2x[].
Thank you for all the help. I'm noticing something else as well. When I'm doing normal tasks on my PC, like surfing the web, I am also getting stutters. I've also noticed it happens after prolong use of my PC, so when it's on for a couple hours it starts to stutter. What could be causing this?

This use to never happen when I was running windows 8.1 Pro. My PC was running flawless before my upgrade to windows 10.
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Jul 8, 2016
I'd say temp but as long as your CPU & GPU are under 80C there should be no thermal throttling.

When I had a stuttering issues (no FPS dips) the culprit was the monitor cable. I swapped it from HDMI to DisplayPort and that fix it.
Update: I freshly installed Windows 10 again on my PC, and reinstalled all my drivers. Everything seems to be running very smooth. Both Minecraft and Fortnite ran with no stutters.
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