Hi, i am experiencing some pretty harsh FPS drops in Games like Hunt:Showdown and Dishonored 2. I tried a few thing including:
I dont know what to do anymore.
Btw sorry for any spelling mistakes, my spell-check is not set to english.
- Reinstall all drivers
- Check if Windows + Steam + Games are installed on an SSD (they are)
- i have no antivirus running
- Check if CPU or GPU reach 100% usage (they dont, not even on a single CPU core)
- Benchmark the GPU and CPU with multiple known Benchmarks like Furmark (they score around the score one would expect from these parts)
- Benchmark GPU and CPU and the same Time to check for PSU issues (still same scores so i suppose that means my PSU is fine?)
- check if GPU or CPU throttle during the FPS drop (they dont as far as i can see, but i have never tried to diagnose something like that before)imgur Link
- check SSD health (its healthy)
I dont know what to do anymore.
Btw sorry for any spelling mistakes, my spell-check is not set to english.