Frame Freeze on games, please help.


Jan 20, 2018
Okay. Here is the run down. I am running on a PC I build in January, early. It is very nice. Here are the Specs.

1080 Ti
8700k i7
16 GB Ram
Dual Monitor Setup
Corsair 850 Watt Power Supply
Water Cooled CPU
Asus ROG Strix 370z or 270 cant remember

So basically, I have overclocked both my GPU and CPU, but I set them back to default because it is not much needed. However on games like Fornite and League of Legends I will get random frame drops. And they aren't bad, theyre like from 144 to 90, because i have a 144 HZ monitor. However when it does drop that low the screen freezes for a second. Here are some pictures.

The first image is with one monitor only.

These are with 2

Those are both on fortnite.

So the things I have tried so far is uninstalling graphics drivers. Putting the games that have problems on my SSD. Turning every other program off. Using Razer Cortex or other applications to boost my RAM. Using one monitor only. Im not one who will have a problem then whine about it and not look for a solution. I have been digging and trying for a solution for about a month almost every day.

If anyone has any idea let me know, if you want me to download a program and run it and monitor my usage and FPS I will do that. Don't know what else to try. And its annoying in fortnite because i'll get into a fight and my screen will freeze.

Another note. Battlefront 2, runs perfect at about 70-90 FPS on ultra. yet when I get frame drops in that game say from, 90 FPS to a sudden 60, there is no screen freeze or lag. It's just a typical frame drop.

These Freezes last about 1 second.

Any other questions let me know and I will answer immediatley.

This computer was about 2.5k so I would want it to run at its best.


Jan 20, 2018

My internet is okay, I mean its not the best. And yes fortnite is an online game. I do not know exactly what screen tearing looks like but I know that the best way for me to explain it is the freeze. I do have things running in the background usually but I turned those off to see if that was causing the problem, and a little changed but not much.

I downloaded Battlefield 1, because that game is extremely visually demanding, yet I had no problems running it.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
This is screen tearing:


The fact you don't have problems with a non online game tells me your issue likely lies in your internet connection. Are you using a WiFi card or are you hard wired with ethernet to your router?


Jan 20, 2018

Ok so then its definitley not screen tearing. Though mind I stated that i play battlefront 2, which is star wars newest game, and its online and everything runs fine. But then Ill get on a game like black desert which I just tried and Ill get the same frame freezes, when it happens it says my GPU usage drops though I was thinking if it was having trouble loading wouldn't the usage be at its most? So its weird. I am hardwires through ethernet. Though this is how it goes, my router is downstairs, the cord is ran all the way upstairs to a gigabit switch which branches off to my room and my brothers, in my room the thernet cord from the gigabit switch connects to a wireless home router by trendnet, then from there a ethernet cord goes to my computer.
Also I tried this with a wifi connector thing, it came with my motherboard. Like plug it in typical wireless, and the same thing happens.


Jan 20, 2018

Is there any tests you want me to run i can, lemme know, so I can give more info.


Jan 20, 2018

It was put the High Performance in the computer, just changed it to high performance in Nvidia settings as well, though I had it like that before I reset my PC, same thing still.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
I think its just the games, could even be the game servers. EA games will always run better online, EA is huge and has more and better servers. Black Desert is just above an Indie game and is poorly optimized, PUBG as well if you play that. And none of them have the servers EA has. I'd bet its either their servers or your connectivity to them.


Jan 20, 2018

Yeah, but like even with League of Legends, the most played game in the world just about. I was just in a game for that and died because of a random freeze and I know damn well its not my PC cause you can run league on a toaster, I guess my connectivity has gotten worse somehow. My friend has insanely good internet so I think I will go to his house to see if that helps at all, because I doubt something just randomly happened that forced my computer to start being weird like that.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

That would be an easy way to check.

Are there other people on your network at home too? How many computers/devices?


Jan 20, 2018

My brother games on his PC. My other brother just sits and watches videos on his laptop. My mom does photography so she uses a MAC. Thats about it. And my dad uses his laptop but he just watches movie on his CD's.

Also, Im basically at the end of the line here. I just played GTA V campaign and it was terribly choppy. And that obviously requires no internet. As far as software and hardware issues that it could potentially be, what do you think it might be. What can I try.

I guess just give me some things that I can test and make sure 100% that it is not my computer. Cause if it is then I gotta find a way I can fix it.
Thanks in advance.


Jan 20, 2018

Be terribly choppy I mean exactly that. It was skipping bad with CPU drop and GPU and Frame drops. But it was fine after I went to online and got out of that specific mission. It was the prologue.

I will record a video of everything I mean once I get home from school today. And let you know what I mean. I was running at 1080, full screen, but once i switched to online it was fine so I dont know why it was doing that. But I will record a video of me playing. You got a recording software you reccomend? I think I also am going over to my friends to see if its internet.

Also. I cap my FPS at 144hz. The thing is like my computer can handle everything I throw at it. GTA 5 online ran so smooth at around 80 FPS on high settings. When I first build my PC it didn’t do this. So thats why I think its software, because my internet just didn’t randomly get worse? I have warranties on most of the main components. So if nothing helps my start returning them.

If there is any stress test you want me to run or specific game let me.

Also one thing to note. I used Bit Torrent, to download a game. My ISP caught it. Me being dumb I didn’t know I needed a proxy. They said something about slowing my internet if it happens again or some crap. Maybe for SOME reason that would be it. Just another thing to note.

One last question. Do you think me wiping my Computer would have done away with any software issues? So if its still happening it has to be hardware or internet?

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
You have a Nvidia GPU download ShadowPlay, its free.

Also keep in mind there are some settings in GTA V that can bring even the fastest GPU to its knees. MSAA should be disabled, it will kill your performance. Grass quality and Post-FX Quality can also have a significant effect, dropping them down 1 notch can be a big bump in fps.

Download 3dMark and run firestrink and timespy and post links to the results here. The demo version to run them is free on steam.


Jan 20, 2018

I dont have shadow play but I will get that. However my computer can run these games like. Theres no doubt. Especially like league of Legends and Fortnite. It should be on reason that I can’t run it. So its not about me notching down the settings its just figuring out whats hindering that.


Jan 20, 2018

Yeah I can’t trll you why, t was just choppy for the prologue. No Idea why, but after that, the next mission was perfectly fine. And online was perfectly fine as well. So I dont know why it was doing that but it was working fine after the prologue. Some of the settings were messed up on the game and I fixed them after.

I will record once I get home and also run those tests.

Im in EST Time so It’ll be about 5 PM till i can do it.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

Ok good yeah, a couple examples of freezes and performance issues would be helpful, as well as fps. Also as I said please run 3dmark and post up links to the scores. When the tests complete it provides you with a link you can share.


Jan 20, 2018

Ok yes, I will do all of that. Also something to mind, these freezes arent bad. And the game is still playable, but like, I spent 3k on this computer and want everything to run as it should. Though it has gotten me killed a couple times. But I will have everything to you in a few hours then you can let me know sht you think.


Jan 20, 2018

Alrighty, did what you have asked. Here is what I got for ya.
This is the 3dmark. Both of the the tests you asked me to run.


On TimeSpy and somewhat on FireStrike. I noticed something, which I have no clue if it if normal or not. But when it was going, ,my GPU usage was like at 95-100. And the stock temperature for my GPU is 84 Celsius. And what it would do was get to about 70-82 celsius. And stay there. The fan would only be at 50 out of 100. So it was going at just enough to keep it below the max temperature setting. I dont know if that is suppose to be like that or not.

Now for the videos.
This is with league, there were no REAL freezes, just FPS drop during a teamfight. Yet this is normal. But I have had some freezes before. Just not today when I tried recording them.

Fortnite, which is where the problems is. - This one was towards the end when I got the potion.

I know for a fact its not when I fight because in this clip you can see that I was fighting and there was no frame freezes.

Lemme know what you think, some more things I can test or some settings I can change to help. Thanks

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
Your Firestrike score seems about right, your Timespy score seems low. I would try to run Timespy again and see what happens, make sure its on a fresh boot and nothing running in the background.

As for what you showed me in the Fortnite videos, every single one seems network connection related not performance related. That looks like what happens when either you or the people you are playing with have a bad connection.

And for what you showed me in LoL that looks fine as well. FPS does not lock and stay at a certain pace it will always drop like that especially with a lot of characters on screen and a lot of magic attacks going on. The only way you would see your fps lock is if you set it to like 60. There is nothing wrong here.

I'd like to see the "choppy" gameplay from GTA V as well.


Jan 20, 2018

Yeah the League was good. Fortnite I got no idea. Guess it would be connection. Just wondering why my connection got randomly worse. Though I will launch GTA and show you. But it stopped doing it after a rest. But I will see if I get on if it will do it again.

As far as the fortnite goes, is there anything I can do about that. It wasn't doing that after I first built the computer which is why im confused as to what happened. Its also why I thought it was related to my computer, since it just randomly started happening. It also wont do it in games like Battlefront 2, which is extremely demanding graphically.
I'd like to see the "choppy" gameplay from GTA V as well. [/quotemsg]



Jan 20, 2018

Gotchya, I most likely will go over to my friends house with better internet or see if a different ethernet port will do. Also I dont ahve the full version of windows, well "Activate Windows" thing. Cause when I booted my computer off of it, I just used the thing you cna download from their site. Do you think that would have any effect. I mean windows 10 is kinda bad.

Other than that do you think there is anything I can do about it.

I figured like frame freeze would be hardware related, or something with my computer. Usually lag just consists of you running and nothing happening, not like what you saw, so it was just weird to me.