Frame Freeze on games, please help.

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Jan 20, 2018
Okay. Here is the run down. I am running on a PC I build in January, early. It is very nice. Here are the Specs.

1080 Ti
8700k i7
16 GB Ram
Dual Monitor Setup
Corsair 850 Watt Power Supply
Water Cooled CPU
Asus ROG Strix 370z or 270 cant remember

So basically, I have overclocked both my GPU and CPU, but I set them back to default because it is not much needed. However on games like Fornite and League of Legends I will get random frame drops. And they aren't bad, theyre like from 144 to 90, because i have a 144 HZ monitor. However when it does drop that low the screen freezes for a second. Here are some pictures.

The first image is with one monitor only.

These are with 2

Those are both on fortnite.

So the things I have tried so far is uninstalling graphics drivers. Putting the games that have problems on my SSD. Turning every other program off. Using Razer Cortex or other applications to boost my RAM. Using one monitor only. Im not one who will have a problem then whine about it and not look for a solution. I have been digging and trying for a solution for about a month almost every day.

If anyone has any idea let me know, if you want me to download a program and run it and monitor my usage and FPS I will do that. Don't know what else to try. And its annoying in fortnite because i'll get into a fight and my screen will freeze.

Another note. Battlefront 2, runs perfect at about 70-90 FPS on ultra. yet when I get frame drops in that game say from, 90 FPS to a sudden 60, there is no screen freeze or lag. It's just a typical frame drop.

These Freezes last about 1 second.

Any other questions let me know and I will answer immediatley.

This computer was about 2.5k so I would want it to run at its best.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

Its so random and occasional though, and as I said could have been the people you were playing against or the server you were connected to. Its not consistent.

The only other thing that could be causing this is if you have software running in the background. an occasional framerate hiccup like what you see in GTA V will happen, even if everything is perfect, its the nature of PC gaming. You definitely do not have a hardware issue.



Jan 20, 2018

I feel, I'm gonna try my friends internet still. One thing that makes me still suspect my computer is this clip.

Like that just randomly started happening.


Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

3 things can cause that, massive overheating of the CPU or GPU, a ton of programs running in the background taking all your CPU performance, or a network issue.


Jan 20, 2018

Most likely, I wanted to just start trying things and my friend had an extra SSd but nothing, also someone reccomended to me to actually turn off shadowplay, i read on another thread someone having the same exact issues, with fortnite, as well.

I know this isn't the appropriate thread for this, but I have an SSD and a 4TB HDD, on the HDD how do I get like, the program files, program filed (86x), temp, users... etc,

how do I get those to be there? theres nothing on the hard drive right now because i reformat it, so Im just waiting till I can do that.


Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
Well yeah if youre not recording turn off shadowplay it does take some system performance. But i wouldnt worry much with the processor you have.

You can't just move those folders to that drive, many of them need to be on your SSD boot drive. For example your users folder MUST be on the boot drive.

If you want games on your HDD you need to uninstall them and move them to there. For example in Steam's options menu you can set the install folder, so you point it to your HDD. This is a good article how to do that



Jan 20, 2018

Gotchya, I was thinking those folders need to be on both hard drives, like they both gotta have them. So for my games on my HDD, I can just make a folder called games and put them all in there basically?

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

Basically but follow the article. Steam games need to be done one way, Origin another. Some games if they are on disc may need to be re-installed, it depends on the game.



Jan 20, 2018

Disabled Shadowplay, unfortunatley, that did not work. Kinda wanna rip my hair out by now. But anyways. I am gonna bring my brothers computer into my room and plug my setup into his, if does the same thing, internet, if it doesn't, then it would be my computer correct?


Jan 20, 2018

Before I did that, I talked to someone who had a similiar issue, I used DDU to reinstall drivers, and not download GeForce Expiereince, I no longer have the issue.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

I can see that having an effect on some games. I honestly thought you had done that already. Glad it worked out.


Jan 20, 2018

So, my computer stilll did the stutter a little bit. I went and got my brothers and plugger my setup into his, and he had no problem. What should I take out of his and put in mine to test what it could be. Also regarding things running in the background, the biggest is spotify but its not taking up that much. I also saw when the stutter happens my disk spike, what you think?

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
That stutter you have is intermittent and in only specific games. There is no way its a hardware issue.

Spotify can use a lit of bandwidth in some cases. You need to test stuff with NOTHING else running except what is essential.

The only way you are gonna clear this is to literally wipe the machine and reinstall Windows. Its literally not consistent enough to diagnose.


Jan 20, 2018

I had wiped my PC, but didn't reinstall windows. I actually might do that cause that is less time consuming. How would I uninstall windows as well. I know you can reset, but I did that before, but that uses windows to reset your hard drives.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

Just download the Windows Media Creation tool

use a USB thumb drive to create a win 10 installer, boot from that, and when it asks you where you want to install windows delete all your partitions and create a new one and install Windows that way.

Keep in mind this will only wipe your SSD. Your HDD you would need to wipe separately, or you can keep the data thats on it. Like if your steam games are downloaded there you can always install steam on the new system and point it to the game folder on that drive. Or maybe you just want to wipe everything and redownload just in case, up to you.


Jan 20, 2018

I already have the thumb drive. I got that, but like when I go to reset my PC, it will boot back up in windows after its done, is there an option to wipe windows as well?

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
Don't do "reset my pc" When you boot from the thumb drive, do "Install Windows 10", It will ask you where, and you want to delete your partitions, and then create a new one. That will wipe the drive.

Follow this



Jan 20, 2018

Alright, so, I’ve done, more reading than I’d like to in a days work, but apparently, it had soemthing to do with windows 10 creator update, yet windows does not let others create the media installation to install the 1603 anniversary update, do I don’t knke what to do, mind seeing if you can find a way? A lot of srticles say, go to update and security, and rollback to an older version of windows, but i do not have that option. Thanks

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
Hold on you think your issue is due to creators update? I seriously doubt that, the only time I've seen that is when people have older or prebuilt hardware, which you have neither. You should absolutely NOT have to run an old Windows version with such new stuff.

You really need to do a fresh install of the most current version.


Jan 20, 2018

I've read on here and Nvidia support page of many poeple having the same problem. But I will do a fresh install. Another thing I saw was the creators update failure to read PCI-E ports correctly, just switched out mine just in case. Though I will do a fresh install. I know its not my internet because I just plugged in my brothers computer and tried black desert and he had no problems, his computer is also not as good as mine, hes has GTX 1060, with an i5, dont know what exact.

Also I have had this problem since I build my PC, I made a post about it the 20th of January. Also I told you I got a brand new SSD, downloaded windows and fortnite and still got the same issues. Thats why I dont think the fresh install of windows will do much because I did it on my SSD


Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

But he likely has the newest Windows 10 update installed.

People tend to blame Windows 10 updates for issues that should be corrected in drivers and so on. Like I said 99% of the time these issues are with older hardware or OEM type hardware. I just don't see it being the issue with yours, and I bet once you do a clean install of everything it will fix any problems you may have.


Jan 20, 2018

Alrighty, you know a lot more than I do so I'm gonna try it.

Give me any pointers you got, I mean this is frustrating as hell, but it helps me learn so.

Im gonna try this fresh install in a little bit, and turn off the windows automatic updates. Ill let you know, should be done in a little.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
Fresh install, you don't need to turn off automatic updates as when you do it from the media creation tool it will give you the latest version, so it won't even ask to update right now. Install the NEWEST drivers and software for every bit of hardware you have.

Then test it.

If it somehow still does the same issue, look through what you have running in the background, in the system tray (for example logitech keyboards have like key mapping software) and disable some of those things, and try again. Software or drivers incompatible with Windows can cause such issues.


Jan 20, 2018

I have Razer keyboard and mouse and logitech headphones but never really had that issue. For installing all of the newest drivers, the only thing I ever install is GPU, so what else would I need to install? Also will the fresh windows install take off the physx and nvidia driver install? or will i need to take them off with DDU then do it again?

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

You are wiping your entire SSD so yes you need to reinstall everything, you don't need to uninstall anything with DDU you are doing it fresh. Especially the Nvidia drivers. Download the newest one and install it. In the worst case if you have this issue after reinstalling, uninstall GeForce Experience and only use the drivers.

There has to be software for your keyboard and mouse settings right? Those could cause conflicts, IF you install or use them.