Hello, this is a two-part question. Any answers you can provide will be most helpful.
Here's a little background: I currently have 2 mice I like very much for different reasons. The first is Logitech's "G502 Hero" and the other is VicTsing's "VM-133 2.4G Wireless Vertical Mouse". I love the 'Hyper-Scroll' or whatever Logitech calls the mouse's free-spinning scroll wheel, but it isn't nearly as comfortable as the other vertical mouse. Just in case you're not aware, free-spinning means you can swipe up or down on the wheel and it'll keep scrolling until it is physically stopped. It does this instead of the typical ratchet-like scroll wheel most mice have.
Here are links to both mice so you know what I'm asking about:
VicTsing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C1GV3J5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_SYhxFbP78KRTJ
Logitech: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GBZ4Q68/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_9oixFb0X8HKH1
So here are my questions:
1) Is there a vertical mouse that has a free-spinning scroll wheel like the G502?
2) If not, is there a way to alter an existing scroll wheel so it will work in the way I've described?
Please share any info you can with me. Thanks so much!
Here's a little background: I currently have 2 mice I like very much for different reasons. The first is Logitech's "G502 Hero" and the other is VicTsing's "VM-133 2.4G Wireless Vertical Mouse". I love the 'Hyper-Scroll' or whatever Logitech calls the mouse's free-spinning scroll wheel, but it isn't nearly as comfortable as the other vertical mouse. Just in case you're not aware, free-spinning means you can swipe up or down on the wheel and it'll keep scrolling until it is physically stopped. It does this instead of the typical ratchet-like scroll wheel most mice have.
Here are links to both mice so you know what I'm asking about:
VicTsing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C1GV3J5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_SYhxFbP78KRTJ
Logitech: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GBZ4Q68/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_9oixFb0X8HKH1
So here are my questions:
1) Is there a vertical mouse that has a free-spinning scroll wheel like the G502?
2) If not, is there a way to alter an existing scroll wheel so it will work in the way I've described?
Please share any info you can with me. Thanks so much!